I'm using the sdk-example "sprite" in samples/gu folder:
I modified the Makefiles.sample to build debuginformation inside:
CFLAGS = -Wall -O2 -g
But when i use "psp-objdump -D -l sprite.elf>output.txt" it seems to have wrong line numbers inside the output.txt.
Here is a little example:
Code: Select all
41c: 8fa30054 lw v1,84(sp)
420: 0460010d bltz v1,858 <main+0x4ac>
424: 8fa20054 lw v0,84(sp)
428: 44830000 mtc1 v1,$f0
42c: 00000000 nop
430: 46800520 cvt.s.w $f20,$f0
434: 461aa500 add.s $f20,$f20,$f26
438: afa00050 sw zero,80(sp)
43c: 4618a502 mul.s $f20,$f20,$f24
440: 0c000a5f jal 297c <cosf>
444: 4600a306 mov.s $f12,$f20
448: 4600a306 mov.s $f12,$f20
44c: 0c000aa1 jal 2a84 <sinf>
450: 46190580 add.s $f22,$f0,$f25
The cosinus(cosf) function is on line 82, but it shows line 68, wich confuses me a bit.
I just write this, because i want to create a program that fetches the line numbers and offsets, so that you can set breakpoints inside a c-source-file and debug it with that.
But with this wrong line information my debugger just jumps to wrong lines.
This bug also seems to happen for psp-addr2line:
Code: Select all
sh-3.2$ psp-addr2line.exe -e sprite.elf 440
Code: Select all
sh-3.2$ psp-gcc.exe -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: psp
Configured with: ../configure --prefix=/usr/local/pspdev --target=psp --enable-l
anguages=c,c++ --with-newlib --with-gmp --with-mpfr --enable-cxx-flags=-G0
Thread model: single
gcc version 4.3.2 (GCC)
sh-3.2$ psp-objdump.exe -v
GNU objdump 2.16.1 (PSPDEV 20060116)
Copyright 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.