here it is
Hope this helpsTo install the PSPSDK I largely followed this guide ( on the forums. I already had XCode and fink installed. Fink complained when I tried to install all the listed packages, and I had to remove one of them from the command line (I think it was autogen, but I can't really remember now.)
I've been using the most recent psptoolchain script, which was updated a few weeks ago, and I had to make a couple of modifications. In depends/ I had to change the check for ncurses to look for the OSX .dyliib file:
## Check for a ncurses /usr/lib/libncurses.a 1> /dev/null || ls /usr/lib/libncurses.dll.a || { echo "ERROR: Install ncurses before continuing."; exit 1; }
## Check for a ncurses /usr/lib/libncurses.a 1> /dev/null || ls /usr/lib/libncurses.dll.a || ls /usr/lib/libncurses.dylib || { echo "ERROR: Install ncurses before continuing."; exit 1; }
Secondly I had to make this change to scripts/ As urchin mentions on the forum, ".m" is the extension for Objective C files in OSX. The '-r' tells make to ignore the built-in implicit rules, and everything works fine:
## Compile and install.make clean && make -j 2 && make install && make clean || { exit 1; }
## Compile and install.make clean && make -r -j 2 && make install && make clean || { exit 1; }
(note the '-r' flag on the second invocation of make.)
I left the psptoolchain script doing its stuff for a couple of hours, and when I came back to it everything seemed to have completed and installed correctly.