Basically it has a scanline renderer, which allows different kinds of interpolations per pixel bases. It is not directed to game development as such, but more for exploring different kinds of rendering/shading types on PSP.
Included in the engine:
- a simple scenegraph
- OBJ loader
- scaline renderer (this is where the most bugs seem to be.. :) )
- Phong, Gouraud and Quadratic shaders implemented
- VFPU used for the rendering pipeline transforms, occlusion culling, and lighting calculations
- Simple multithreading for UI
- UI (rotate & zoom)
Current Issues:
- the scanline algorithm produces uggly flickering.. maybe because of writing directly to memory... (maybe someone would have an idea about this?)
- scanline does not draw to the right hand side 32 pixels...hmmm.. related to the above, maybe.
- And I believe the scanline could be faster as well!!!
- The normals are not drawn correctly now...
- Code could be cleaned more I guess
Todo (I'm not sure if I have the time anymore though...):
- Fix the above bugs
- File menu for loading objects
- textures, cubemaps, hdr, blooming, simple modelling capabilities, etc, etc... :)
0. copy the eboot AND the data folder + contents on your psp
1. start the program and press X when the model has been loaded
2. Use analogue stick to rotate L&R to zoom and [] & /\ to change the active renderer.
*UPDATED 2007-07-08 (fixed phong shading as discussed below)
*UPDATED 2007-07-10 (optimized vfpu stuff as discussed below) (1.75MB)
The thanks go to:, hlide(VFPU), tyranid(PSPLINK!), torakak(Eclipse), skistovel(PSPGU), rapso (founding phong bug)
an example with a model of 5000 polys and 3842 vertices