hey all, blatant noob *insert that cheery 'no technical knowledge but just wana be on the team and help' vibe* don't worry, im not dumb enough to suggest anything stupid enough like 'magic firmware' but i hope i've got sumthing useful here:
Its on pikoros site (that guy does "gather" *co-steal-ugh* a lot of stuff;) but he mirrored it from sumwhere else so it could actually be useful. It appears to have some reasonable explanations of the psf and pbp file formats so you can always point noobs with some useful technical skills here.
Apologies if this is considered spam, just saw it and thought of you guys. Help its been of help
Cheers, Yracry
PS - anyone investigated this https://psp.scedev.net/ its quite obvious what it is, but wanted to bring your attention to it (link taken from darkfaders website)