Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
Thanks Arwin. And also anybody do you know why the emulator gives me that disk thing. I copied the items from the original system.dsk that came with it and I put it all on a system.hfv but it wont work. This was edited since postingArwin wrote:I'll post one when the basic keys work.pspaddict wrote:Didnt you say... (So for now I'll post the occasional test .elf here)
Where Did you host it??
P.S It is also a 5mg image like the .dsk
Here's the occasional .elf tester:
Keyboard input should work. Remember though, mousebutton has moved to RTRIGGER.
Since I had a conflict between group select and the Apple key, the combo for the Apple key is now with the LTRIGGER (so for find, try up+LTRIGGER, left).
When not used in a combo, the LTRIGGER is mapped to the Menu/Information key.
Some things may still be a little buggy, but I was fairly careful so it should work pretty much.
And for ChaosKnight:

EDIT: Fixed a bug - I had to use -1 instead of 0 for no keycode found, as apple uses 0 for 'a'. However, when initialising I still had the keycode array fill with '0's, that had to be '-1'
EDIT2: a few more bugs fixed, most things work now ...
Keyboard input should work. Remember though, mousebutton has moved to RTRIGGER.
Since I had a conflict between group select and the Apple key, the combo for the Apple key is now with the LTRIGGER (so for find, try up+LTRIGGER, left).
When not used in a combo, the LTRIGGER is mapped to the Menu/Information key.
Some things may still be a little buggy, but I was fairly careful so it should work pretty much.
And for ChaosKnight:

EDIT: Fixed a bug - I had to use -1 instead of 0 for no keycode found, as apple uses 0 for 'a'. However, when initialising I still had the keycode array fill with '0's, that had to be '-1'
EDIT2: a few more bugs fixed, most things work now ...
Last edited by Arwin on Fri Oct 14, 2005 9:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
Download the rar file (the non -src one) again (because I fixed some bugs), unpack with unrar (, put the .elf onto your memory card in the folder where you have your current version of Basilisk, and start the .elf file with File Assistant.pspaddict wrote:How do you install this Plz help
(Or wait until someone packs it as a PBP/Exploit 1.5 package)
A reminder (again, will probably have to do this every page :D):
EDIT: By the way, Basilisk crashes when I drag a window. Had it with Netscape and Notepad so far (each time I tried, in other words). I think it has to do with moving a window that is or ends up partly off-screen, but not sure. Fill screen button works fine in Notepad.
I put Notepad in there, nice. :) That makes it one of my favorite notepads immediately, combined with p-sprint. :D
(Re that renamer friendly thing, you can convert the elf I posted a link to to pbp with the elf2pbp tool. That results in a 1.0 PBP file that all renamers should be able to handle.)ChaosKnight wrote:This is off-topic (devlopment only) so in the future please post any support related questions on the Animezilla Basilisk II PSP forum here:
EDIT: By the way, Basilisk crashes when I drag a window. Had it with Netscape and Notepad so far (each time I tried, in other words). I think it has to do with moving a window that is or ends up partly off-screen, but not sure. Fill screen button works fine in Notepad.
I put Notepad in there, nice. :) That makes it one of my favorite notepads immediately, combined with p-sprint. :D
Ok, I thought I had some bugs still, but so far it seems I only have the 9 key mixed up (shows 7). So, after some testing, here's a quick overview of p-sprint in Basilisk:
This will also be posted on the general questions forum, so user (non-bug) related questions can go there ...
Quick Basilisk / p-sprint FAQ
By default, you are in the normal characters mode (Alpha mode).
Here you type by pressing a combination of the arrow and symbol buttons to form letters. For instance, pressing Circle twice produces an 'i', and pressing Square twice produces an 's', and so on.
The Cross and Down keys only need to be pressed once and give you a Space and Backspace respectively.
To get numbers, you need to go into Numbers and Function key mode. For this, press and hold Left, and then press Cross. Now, pressing Square twice will produce '1', Square then Right will produce '0', pressing Left twice will produce 'F1' and so on.
To leave Numbers mode, press and hold left, and then press Cross again.
To get the cursor keys, you need to go into Control keys mode. For this, press and hold up, then press Cross. Now, pressing Up twice will give you the 'Up' arrow key, pressing Left twice will get you the 'Left' arrow key, and so on. Pressing Left then Up gives you 'Home', and Up then Left gives you 'End', pressing Circle twice gives you 'Tab'.
Press and hold up, then press Cross will get you back into normal (Alpha) mode again.
To get capital letters (use the Shift button), you add either Up or Triangle to your key combination. For instance, press and hold Circle, then press Up, then release both, then press Circle, will get you the capital letter 'I'.
To use a menu shortcut (using the Command key), do the same, but replace Triangle/Up with Right/Circle.
To use the Control key, do the same, but replace Triangle/Up with Left/Square (for instance, Square+Left,Triangle - =CTRL-T - gives you the Apple symbol).
To use symbols, the same as above, but replace Triangle/Up with LTrigger.
This will also be posted on the general questions forum, so user (non-bug) related questions can go there ...
Quick Basilisk / p-sprint FAQ
By default, you are in the normal characters mode (Alpha mode).
Here you type by pressing a combination of the arrow and symbol buttons to form letters. For instance, pressing Circle twice produces an 'i', and pressing Square twice produces an 's', and so on.
The Cross and Down keys only need to be pressed once and give you a Space and Backspace respectively.
To get numbers, you need to go into Numbers and Function key mode. For this, press and hold Left, and then press Cross. Now, pressing Square twice will produce '1', Square then Right will produce '0', pressing Left twice will produce 'F1' and so on.
To leave Numbers mode, press and hold left, and then press Cross again.
To get the cursor keys, you need to go into Control keys mode. For this, press and hold up, then press Cross. Now, pressing Up twice will give you the 'Up' arrow key, pressing Left twice will get you the 'Left' arrow key, and so on. Pressing Left then Up gives you 'Home', and Up then Left gives you 'End', pressing Circle twice gives you 'Tab'.
Press and hold up, then press Cross will get you back into normal (Alpha) mode again.
To get capital letters (use the Shift button), you add either Up or Triangle to your key combination. For instance, press and hold Circle, then press Up, then release both, then press Circle, will get you the capital letter 'I'.
To use a menu shortcut (using the Command key), do the same, but replace Triangle/Up with Right/Circle.
To use the Control key, do the same, but replace Triangle/Up with Left/Square (for instance, Square+Left,Triangle - =CTRL-T - gives you the Apple symbol).
To use symbols, the same as above, but replace Triangle/Up with LTrigger.
- ChaosKnight
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- Location: Florida, USA
- ChaosKnight
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- Location: Florida, USA
- ChaosKnight
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- Location: Florida, USA
Thanks to Arwin, PSprint keyboard support has now been included in Basilisk II PSP. The integration went very smoothly and overall I am quite pleased with the outcome. This was a difficult task because of the many nuances in dealing with the MacOS and Basilisk II (not to mention my code).
So a round of applause for Arwin.
This project is growing very quickly, so hopefully some others will come on board to help with a few other things and soon a release may be able to be made.
So a round of applause for Arwin.
This project is growing very quickly, so hopefully some others will come on board to help with a few other things and soon a release may be able to be made.
- ChaosKnight
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Okay, I am releasing this in hopes to get more video-knowledgable people interested in helping out. There are two binaries I am posting. There is no system.dsk in these folders, you will need to provide your own system.dsk and mac.rom.
P-Sprint (press select to switch between P-Sprint and Mouse mode)
Automatically adds DSK and HFV files
Supports MacOS 8
3 Levels of mouse sensitivity (DPad = slow, Analog Light = Mid, Analog Heavy = Fast)
Fake Color (Fast but Red & Blue are reversed)
Real Color (Very Slow but all colors are proper)
I may not be working on this for awhile as work and life have gotten hectic simultaniously. Let me know if you want to develop and what piece, I would still like to maintain control of integration.
Thanks everyone for your support!
P-Sprint (press select to switch between P-Sprint and Mouse mode)
Automatically adds DSK and HFV files
Supports MacOS 8
3 Levels of mouse sensitivity (DPad = slow, Analog Light = Mid, Analog Heavy = Fast)
Fake Color (Fast but Red & Blue are reversed)
Real Color (Very Slow but all colors are proper)
I may not be working on this for awhile as work and life have gotten hectic simultaniously. Let me know if you want to develop and what piece, I would still like to maintain control of integration.
Thanks everyone for your support!
- ChaosKnight
- Posts: 142
- Joined: Thu Apr 14, 2005 2:08 am
- Location: Florida, USA
I have temporarily suspended my work on this project due to pressing matters of work and life. If any developers want to work on this seriously, please PM me and I will give you access to the SVN. It is not a PS2DEV SVN, nor is it public. Sorry, but I would prefer to keep it closed for awhile to make sure people are serious.
If you are abandoning the project then you need to open it up for other developers to continue it. Only "serious" people would ever submit patches anyway. I'm not saying give everyone who asks access, but you should consider putting it into PSPDEV SVN or some other public server.ChaosKnight wrote:It is not a PS2DEV SVN, nor is it public. Sorry, but I would prefer to keep it closed for awhile to make sure people are serious.
Didn't ChaosKnight originally ask for it to be in PSPDEV and was then turned down?mrbrown wrote:If you are abandoning the project then you need to open it up for other developers to continue it. Only "serious" people would ever submit patches anyway. I'm not saying give everyone who asks access, but you should consider putting it into PSPDEV SVN or some other public server.ChaosKnight wrote:It is not a PS2DEV SVN, nor is it public. Sorry, but I would prefer to keep it closed for awhile to make sure people are serious.
For what it's worth, though, I agree. It would be a good idea to put it up there for anyone to work on it who wants to, even if they can't automatically submit to it. You can always keep your current source for yourself and then choose what to include and what not later. And in the meantime, if some able developers embrace the project, it will grow nice and quick. And of course it would be within the spirit of the licence of the original.
After all, if that works with the pspsdk and ps2sdk, it will certainly work for Basilisk. The question though that remains: is Basilisk something that the PS2DEV team wants in their SVN, or does it have to be a separate one.
Just my two-cents though.
Anyway, I fixed a few small bugs. Now that there are two input routines dealing with either extended mouse control or the p-sprint integration, the 'Enter' key should be left to p-sprint. It's not necessary, but there's a small key-repeat bug (the Enter key now 'sticks' in keyboard emu mode) that you can simply get rid of by removing the non-p-sprint handling of that key. I also fixed the (number) 9 key (now gave 7) and the 5 and 6 keys (which were reversed). Other than that, most things seem ok now. You can test quite well with the Key Caps application - holding the key will eventually light it up on this virtual keyboard.
I also think that the extra mousemode isn't really necessary if you work out the threshhold levels better - only put full mouse speed near the extremes of the analog stick range, and let everything in between be slow/precise movement that you have on the cursor keys now should do the trick and removes the need for switching between different methods. I'll have a look if I can at least modify the p-sprint routine to work that way, then it won't do harm either way.
I'll put up an updated .elf file here with the bug fixed as well as the updated source files. If this ends up at, say, pspupdates, the enter bug at least should be gone. ;)
EDIT - Here's the bug-fixed elf:
- ChaosKnight
- Posts: 142
- Joined: Thu Apr 14, 2005 2:08 am
- Location: Florida, USA
Good point. It's on a public server now. I'd like it to be on PSPDEV SVN but got nowhere asking for access. So for now it's on Anyone who asks and has a plan for doing something will be accepted (video, audio, etc...).mrbrown wrote:I'm not saying give everyone who asks access, but you should consider putting it into PSPDEV SVN or some other public server.
Er, I don't think it was rejected from PSPDEV SVN :). Oobles and Neovanglist can be hard to track down at times, but if you PM Oobles and point him to this thread I'm sure he'd be happy to give you access. If you need me to bug him, PM me and I'll do it.
The general metric that we use to see if a developer should be allowed access to SVN is if they have submitted at least one working patch, or if they have a public project where we can verify its source code and see that they know how to write code. It seems to have worked well for us so far.
The general metric that we use to see if a developer should be allowed access to SVN is if they have submitted at least one working patch, or if they have a public project where we can verify its source code and see that they know how to write code. It seems to have worked well for us so far.
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some one plzzz help me ???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok i have gotten the emulator to work all of it is fine but when i use the HFExplorer to make anther system.dsk file thats larger then 5mb like 40mb i copy all the files from the orignal system.dsk file in to my new one and then i try to boot it with my 40mb system.dsk file it does not work it has the pichure of a pc the theres and X in it then it changes to an ? sign i have the system.dsk file exactly yhte same name and stuff what am i doing wrong is there some way to make it so i can use it or have 2 dsk files workin at the same time
P>S don't give me a dam link to some other form or website because they all suck fuckin ass i read them all there gay....... some one plzzzzz help[/img]
P>S don't give me a dam link to some other form or website because they all suck fuckin ass i read them all there gay....... some one plzzzzz help[/img]