If anyone are intrested, I just compiled psptoolchain on FreeBSD 7.0 (current) and can give a few hints about how I did it, since it wasn't working by default.
1. I've downloaded the latest psptoolchain from ps2dev.org
2. I've downloaded OSX patches (see http://forums.ps2dev.org/viewtopic.php?t=9306)
3. I changed the scripts from poiting out /bin/bash to /usr/local/bin/bash due to the way FreeBSD threats 3rd part applications. (Or lazy way to create a softlink to /usr/local/bin/bash in /bin/ (ln -s /usr/local/bin/bash /bin/bash), but I don't recomend it!)
4. Run the patch script in psptoolchain directory (./patch-osx-toolchain.sh)
5. FreeBSD's 'make' does not work with the scripts etc. Therefore install (GNU make) 'gmake' (if not already installed). (pkg_add -r gmake OR cd /usr/ports/devel/gmake/ && make install clean)
6. Now replace 'make' with 'gmake' in the scripts (e.g. perl -p -i -e s%make%gmake%g .../scripts/*) or create an shell alias: alias make gmake
7. Run install script (./toolshain.sh)
8. Hopefully done! :)
However, I'm not sure that step 2 and 4 is actually needed, but since OSX is kinda FreeBSD in the bottom I guess it might be a good idea (I haven't had time to check what the scripts/patches does...), and I didn't try without running them and only change to gmake.