Best IDE on Ubuntu 8.10 for PSP homebrew development

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Best IDE on Ubuntu 8.10 for PSP homebrew development

Post by eridano »

I'm newbie. I installed just now a psptoolchain to (try to) develop homebrews. Could someone suggest me best (light) IDE to make simpler hombrew creation and instruction about how customize it for psptoolchain?

Ivan Cella
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Post by NoEffex »

I use geany with various styles changed. Also, if you want to set it to compile, set the compile command to "make", if you want to make life easy on yourself, otherwise it has a built-in terminal.
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Post by J.F. »

Geany is in the Ubuntu repo and is a very nice lightweight IDE. I use it for nearly all my editing. It's also fairly easy to make it compile your PSP project:

First, edit the preferences in geany - click on the Tools tab and add this before "/usr/bin/make" in the make tool path:

Code: Select all

export PSPDEV="/usr/local/pspdev" && export PSPSDK="$PSPDEV/psp/sdk" && export PSPPATH="$PSPDEV/bin:$PSPDEV/psp/bin:$PSPSDK/bin" && export PATH="$PATH:$PSPPATH" && export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$PSPDEV/psp/lib/pkgconfig" && 
That sets the envvars the PSP SDK needs for making the project.

Next, write the project like any of the existing samples or programs with source.

Finally, just open the makefile inside geany and choose "Make Custom Target" from the build menu. Then enter any make options for your project, like "clean" or "debug". To just make the project, don't enter anything (or "release" if your makefile has that as the main target). Geany will then make the project, giving you the status as it compiles. If you get errors, just click on the error in the status pane and geany will open the file and go right to the line and underline the error.

Note that if you have multiple files open, you need to have the makefile as the current one when making the project. That makes sure geany finds the makefile.
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