I am cutting and pasting code from notepad from and to the data.psp files from the 1.51 update to homebrew code -_-. Praying one of the strings of garbage is the encryption key.
Talk about desperate. Now I know i have no clue what im talking about, but is it not possible to see what is in that file..I know in my C class we had a section about writing to and reading from text files. Just out of desperation im going to write a proggry to read the info off the file in binary mode. Be funny if i managed to get something to work.
By the way during the whole process of doing this I came up with several diff error codes and not just the one code always staring me in the face when I try to run homebrew proggys.
Sure you can screw up many things randomly, but the chance of finding a needle in a haystack when you are blind and senseless... well, you get the picture...