Problems with psp videos on MS (.MP4)

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Problems with psp videos on MS (.MP4)

Post by TheOwl »

Something really odd is going on with my PSP. When I first got it (~2 weeks ago), I immediately started to experiment with the idea of converting my videos to PSP's own MP4 format, to be able to view them with the builtin player.

Well, after a while, I got it working. Using the CVS ffmpeg, I was able to convert anything I wanted to the PSP format. And all was good.

Recently, however, I took a backup of my MS, and formatted it, and the idea was to put only video clips in the MS (small size, you know, the 32Mb stick that comes with the PSP). Using the same method I used before, there were no files the Video-player found. Odd. It worked yesterday.

I then formatted it again, and put the backup back on the MS. This backup has one clip, that previously worked very well. However, it still doesn't show up in the list.

There are no Corrupted icons, like there is if it finds the video file but it is in the wrong format, nothing. I tried again by formatting it and doing it step by step, creating the mp_root and 100mnv01 folder, converting a small clip, and putting it as mp_root/100mnv01/m4v00001.mp4, like I did the first time (when it worked). Still nothing.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.
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Post by demologik »

you need to have the THM file in there as well, i believe. i use PSPvideo9 it creates them for you.
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Post by Latexxx »

Thm is just a small jpeg image; easy to it on your own.
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Post by Energy »

You don't need the THM file,
However I believe you'll find that the
has to be in caps. So more something like this...

Also you are formatting the MS in the PSP? If you're formatting it in Windows or anything else it may act strange in the PSP. Also if you want a simple windows PSP video convert PSPvideo9 is pretty good. No hassle jsut get out the box (or zip file!) and go!
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Post by TheOwl »

Thanks for the help. THM file isn't necessary, as per my own experience, when stuff worked.

I have never (and will never) format the memory stick anywhere else than in PSP (unless there are some corruption problems that can only be fixed by formatting somewhere else).

I thought about the CAPS thing. It could actually be the case why the files aren't working. Thanks for pointing it out. However, I have no idea how to go about fixing that... You see, I have only Linux here, and, believe it or not, I find Linux's file-naming system quite cumbersome. Not because of differentiating caps, but because of other quirks. :D

I'll have to check if my limited Linux-magic can come up with something. ;)

Edit: Okay. Confirmed with the help of PSP File Assistant, that it is indeed because of letter capitalization. Managed to get the movie clips working by renaming the movie folders and files in caps with File Assistant. Now all I need is to figure out how the he** am I going to name files in caps in Linux (well, that's easy, but how to keep the caps when moving to PSP/MS - when it's all caps linux changes it to no caps, otherwise caps work.)

Edit2: There we go. It seems that I create the folders directly to the PSP through USB with Linux, it changes it to no-caps. However, if I create the directory tree and files first in a Linux partition, and move the clips I want there, all with caps, and then move that directory tree to the root of PSP/MS it works flawlessly. Thanks Energy for pointing the case-sensitivity out.
Last edited by TheOwl on Thu Jul 14, 2005 10:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Nick Fury
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Post by Nick Fury »

What distro are you using to where it changes capital lettering to be non-capital?

Linux handles files properly. If you type 'mkdir /foo' and then 'mkdir /foO' and then 'mkdir /Foo' and 'mkdir /fOO'.... they are all different. Unlike with windows which treats capitalized and non-capitalized folders as the same damn thing.

Are you using some weird graphical file utility? Those things suck, IMO. Just stick with a command line.
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Post by TheOwl »

@NickFury: Using Ubuntu Hoary 5.04. Yeah, caps work like they should. If I create a directory named "FoO", it is "FoO" and not "foo" or "FOO". Same goes for other combinations of capital letters.

However, if I were to create the dir to USB (and bear in mind that I use mainly command line, in rare cases I use nautilus for transfering files, mainly when I don't have a terminal window open. ;)), when I create "FoO", it comes up as "FoO", but when I create "FOO", it comes up as "foo".

Don't ask me why, I'm not a Linux expert, but it does that.

Edit: I'm confused. I'm positive I tried everywhich way yesterday to make the folders capitalized, when creating the dir directly through USB, I even everything with using my memcard reader and not through PSP, and still didn't work properly. But now it does work. :| I wonder what pills I have forgotten to take. :D
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Post by Energy »

glad it worked -
Maybe if you create the folder on your local drive then copy it across it'd sat in Caps?

Glad it worked tho!
Nick Fury
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Post by Nick Fury »

I'm glad it worked as well. It would have made me very confused if it hadn't.
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Post by cheriff »

I had a few troubles with capatalization under linux, and asking around on irc i learned that including:
as an option in fstab made all the problems go away.
Just something that might be worth trying...
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Post by TheOwl »

Thanks, have to try it. If this kind of thing happens again, I know what to try - no use putting it in there now, since it's currently working again, amazingly enough.

Edit: Found on

"After poking around it appeared that directories and files with short, uppercase names were being converted to all lowercase names. This screws up cp and rsync trying to copy files to a given destination, since the destination directory appeared to not be created. I THINK I solved this by adding shortname=winnt to the fstab entry for the drive"
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