Downgrader help.

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Downgrader help.

Post by pyrosama »

Ok I recently was able to find a way to bypass the firmware version check with sony's updater and got the updater to go to the point that it displayed the prgoress bar and then ended up with it crashing at zero percent which resulted in a brick.

Now I have a damaged motherboard on the way and I am willing to give it another shot but this time I want to do it correctly and see what comes of it.

I have a few questions however:

1 - Do the diff versions of the updater use diff encyption keys?

2 - Is there a way that I can locate where on my memory stick (physical address) where the firmware image starts (doubtfull being encrypted) and if so can some one help me place 1.5 fimware image (from update) in that location?

Input is welcome dont quite know what I am doing here so I could use some help doing this. If you would like to devote a little bit of time to helping me out my aim is pyrophlake and my email addy is

(And yes I know I will end up with another bricked psp but this mobo only cost me 10 bucks so I am willing to sacrifice it because I will be getting a good mobo in the future)

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Post by DrEggman »

Try getting to that point, take out that same stick and replace the firmware file on that same stick, then put it back and flash. You swapped memory sticks, but you may have better luck using the same stick.
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Post by pyrosama »

I thought about that but my thought is that it may be looking for the location on the stick of the file.

But once I get my new motherboard I will do some tests and if I can get the PSP to recognize a homebrew app after replacing it on that card then I may attempt that.

But if you read my previos thread if I have two cards set up the same (using an ISO I made) then it shows all the files as there but chagnes them to corupt.

Should have been an indicator but what was done is done.....

But I didnt bother testing with the same card just modified.

I have alot of testing to do before I actually atempt it again but I just need some help with both random theories about why it may have killed it and what may work to allow it to run the updater.

And help with methods to make it work.

Posts: 66
Joined: Fri May 13, 2005 1:08 pm

Post by pyrosama »

While I wait for my new motherboard to arive is any body willing to do some research for me? I have a few questions about some thigns and they are really bugging me.

Basicly what I want to know at this point is if you went to the apps menu on the psp and had it display the icons pulled the card wrote to it w/ a diff eboot in one of the folders and put it back would it launch? - That will be a big indicator letting me know if using the method dr eggman sugested will work or not.

Yes I should be doing my own research but I dont have a motherboard till friday.

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