Ogg Vorbis sample

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Ogg Vorbis sample

Post by patpsp »

Does anyone know how to easily use Ogg vorbis ?

I know SDL_mixer handles it, but i'd like not to link SDL just for SDL_mixer, as I use PSPGL.

An intermediate library, which helps using Ogg Vorbis could help using this format.

The header could be :

sndoggvorbis_init(); // to inialize vorbis
sndoggvorbis_start(filename,loop); // plays a ogg, with loop or not
sndoggvorbis_stop(); // stop playing

Does someone start that kind of project, or write these functions in its app ?
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Joined: Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:12 pm
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Post by rinco »

What you are suggesting is entirely possible. But it has not been done.

I think you could save yourself a lot of time by just using SDL_mixer. A few weeks ago PSPGL support was added to SDL, and the result was rRootage.
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