Just some quick n00b questions

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Just some quick n00b questions

Post by breaKdown »

Hi @ all,

sorry for my bad english, I'm german.
First of all, I want to say that I'm not a total n00b....all what I is, how to write Apps in C++ for Win32, but I have no idea on how to do it for PSP.
so here are my questions:

1) Can somebody please, reupload the tutorial to set up Dev-C++ again?
2) What is CYGWIN? All I know, that it has something to do with Linux
3) What is the toolchain for?
4) Is it possible to develop in Visual Studio?
5) What do I realy need know to start programming? Do MPH and others use that too?
6) What is the best way to programm? The Script way? Or the Dev-C++ Method?

Big thx in advance!!!
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Re: Just some quick n00b questions

Post by fish »

1) nothing to do with me, so i can't comment.
2) CYGWIN is a LINUX environment for Windows (think of it like an emulator, but, erm, a bit different)
3) Everything, but basically for compiling native code for the PSP using an non-PSP chip (ie your PC's x86) aka cross-compiling. it's also got all the libraries that you'll need for PSP devving.
4) Yes, there's a sticky thread in this forum.
5) Not completely sure what your asking, but for minimum fuss, you need CYGWIN (or a linux machine)with gpp, the PSPDEV toolchain, and notepad.
6) If by script way, you mean LUA, that's probably the simplest/fastest way, using C/C++ gives you more flexibility/power, but is more complicated and involved.

Knowledge of OpenGL/DirectX will help a lot when it comes to writing programs, not because you can use them (although there's an implementation of openGL out there...) but the techniques/commands/theory is/are very similar between them.
Posts: 13
Joined: Sun Oct 23, 2005 3:26 am

Post by breaKdown »

hey cool....thx for this...but your Nr.6 don't answers my question.....I mean...what is better and has more compatibility? The Toolchain Script way or the methods in an IDE?
I have PSPide v.1.0 Final...and everytime I compile something, I get an MAKE error..dunno waht to do....???

And finaly I just need the answer to my Nr.1 question.....

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