DGEN 1.7 and webserver and 1seg tuner

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DGEN 1.7 and webserver and 1seg tuner

Post by edepot »

There are few homebrew software that take advantage of all the major features of the hardware and I think DGEN (the emulator) is one of a few exceptions. It seems to do everything that is possible with the hardware.
Not only that, it is one of the first homebrew applications that has its
own eboot.pbp format that no public pbp explorers can tackle, but can
still run on 1.50 firmware.

Here are a listing of the pbp explorers that can't tackle it...
PBP Explorer
PBP Unpacker
Sei Tool
PBP Settings

We're just talking simple taking out the unknown.psp from the eboot.pbp.
The author must have made up his own secret format inside the eboot.pbp that prevents the above tools from working on it, yet it runs on old
firmwares (but not the newer 3.x kernel ones).

by the way, have you noticed that people are more into streaming content
lately. First the PC can now stream to PS3. The PS3 can stream
to PSP. The PSP can stream (using usb) to PC. I think the day will
come where the PSP can stream to PS3 as well. I just don't think people
have noticed that this is a feature just waiting to happen. Before that
happens if you have any 2megapixel or larger picture you are stuck
on a small display (or you have to manually copy it over to the PS3) to view it on a 1080p display. Until there are more hdmi compatible
graphic cards for the PC, I think the PS3 is the main machine that can handle living room 1080p displays. Soon someone may get psp 1080p video output working directly to the hdtv, that would be a nice feature to have for pictures and text. (not to mention games would be great too).

One thing about the over the air digital tv tuner. I think the 1seg (only available in japan at the moment) can be made to work in other countries.
Korea uses its own h264 aac format and I think to get the psp to work
with it is just to make a new prx and maybe a new hardware tuner (if
the frequencies are too different). The eu tvbh (or whatever you call it)
will probably work with the psp too just needing a new tuner hardware
while the software inside the psp will probably handle their protocol just
fine for displaying content. Even old vhf and uhf will probably work,
just need the right tuner on top, but since this is not digital maybe
some extra conversion will be needed in the hardware or software

Lastly, has anyone made a working webserver for the psp yet? This is
such a simple project maybe someone has already done it already.
8gb memory stick can host 99% of the domains on the internet. Just
need a compatible dynamic dns service and open ports.
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Post by saulotmalo2 »

I can't barely remember there was a demo of a webserver on the python PSP distribution.
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Post by jimparis »

Yet another thread of random requests and speculation...
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Post by Smong »

I'm not surprised, I could never get Sei Tool or PBP Settings to work. Sei Tool just hangs and uses vast amounts of RAM and PBP Settings only works on the sample PBP that comes with it.
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