Help to make a alarm

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Help to make a alarm

Post by Question_dev »

Does someone nows how to make a alarm in a prx ?

Thanks to helper !
Posts: 50
Joined: Thu Jan 19, 2006 10:59 pm

Post by bulb »

You should better define what do you mean by the term alarm. The term is used in both CS and IT for various things, although I believe you are looking for something that does not belong to neither CS nor IT category.

Better yet, you should really try to implement the "alarm" on a desktop system first, move to the PSP development when you grasp a good knowledge of a desktop system development. A lot of techniques from desktop system development can relatively easy translate to the PSP development by using high level libraries that have been ported to PSP. I might be wrong, but I've got an impression that you are not only totally new to the PSP development, but rather to the C/C++ development as well. If you really wish to do PSP development before mastering basic development knowledge, then you are probably better off with LUA for PSP. Furthermore, you will feel a lot better knowing you have produced something entirely by yourself, not by gluing code from samples and posted code.

Again, I am sorry if I have gathered a wrong impression about you from your recent posts and offended you.

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