PSP Serial Clock? Software or Hardware?

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PSP Serial Clock? Software or Hardware?

Post by Aura »

Hi all, I'm looking into a hardware based project using the serial connection of the PSP, only problem is sending the clock signal. I've done some research and I havn't found an input clock anywhere, so I was wondering if I had missed one, or, how I would make one using software?

I have a basic knowledge of async connections, but I'm not sure how I would be able to implement this to the PSP.

Finally, the hardware needs 5v specifically, but the serial only supplies 2.5v right? I read in a thread that the USB port supplies 5v, I was just wondering if there was another way to supply that voltage required? Would a darlington pair be suitable (I can't remember if these increase voltage or not).

Thanks for any input.
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Post by Art »

Why would you use an external clock chip?
The PSP rtc is really very good,
and has all of the functionality that the Maxim IC clocks do.

The I2C and serial clock chips would be a problem because the PSP
doesn't have a clock line, or any other serial control lines.
I really think they only intended it for use with their remote.

Were I to try another project with external microcontroller,
I think I'd be looking at using the raw IR functionality of Nanodesktop,
or here:
and just powering the thing from it's own lithium battery.
If not actually, then potentially.
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