Run code on 1.5

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Run code on 1.5

Post by Kazeuri »

Initially, we must find a way to encode the 1.0 stuff now so that we can get it to execute on 1.5.

Besides that, I recently got another idea for running code.

The UMD is ISO9669, which means that natively, we know how to work with making a UMD, we just can't do it becuase we can't burn one.

From there, I was wondering if maybe we could spoof some code of ours to be loaded in to the PSP as a UMD. I'm not sure exactly how this might work, but there could be a rather basic method of having the PSP run homebrew code thinking that it is actually running something from a UMD.

Any thoughts or comments? Even with this diea, I'd still like to contribute any efforts I can to encoding what we have now so that 1.5 people can use it as well. The only abrrier stopping usf rom executing on 1.5 IS the encoding, right?

There might also be a directory even on 1.5 free of this "problem", or a way to bypass it, sicne the ability was there before, but that is for a different thread ;)
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Post by mrbrown »

You've made it into the Hall of Shame buddy. Folks, stop posting idle speculations - they are not fun to read, they do not earn you cool points, and they clutter up the boards.