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Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 12:23 pm
by Skye
People that are big "ANTI PIRACY" people really get on my nerves. I really do beleive warez is needed by the software/game community. If people never had a chance to try things for free, they would never pay the money to get a legit copy.

I have some freinds in school that go on and on when I talk about a game I downloaded for free to check out. Then im talking about the things that are good and bad about it, and they are still babbling on and on about how I am a pirate.

Oh well, people need to relax. Piracy can be bad, but its not 100% horrible. There are many many games I have bought because I loved the warez version so much, I wanted to be able to play online, ect.
Oh well.

Anti-piracy gets on your nerves?

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 1:47 pm
by n1ckn4m3
Uh. I don't mean to flame here, but 'Anti-piracy' advocates get on your nerves? Look, I'm sure you purchase every game you download (or else you delete it within 24 hours) but the odds are strongly against most people doing the same. Most people pirate software because they don't want to pay for it, and have no intention of paying for it. Whether or not they think it is worthy of their $40-60, they pirate it and then don't pay for it.

Developers work very hard to create these games and people stealing their games is essentially stealing money from their pockets. Sure, you think that one person (you) downloading a game doesn't hurt a developer, but lets just say that Developer A gets $1 from every copy of a game that is sold. You and 99 others pirate the game and don't pay for it. As a collective, you've just taken $100 from the game designer's pocket.

Piracy is NOT needed by the game industry. If your main concern/argument is that you want to play a game before you buy it, get the demo or rent it. Don't shout down from your high horse and pretend there's no way to legally obtain a playable copy of the game in a try-before-you-buy method.

Piracy raises the cost of video games because developers now have to factor it in to the pricing structure. For every 20 'warez beasts' out there that don't pay for the games they download, 1 legitimate customer gets pissed by the fact games are so expensive, and 10 developers get pissed because they're not getting the royalties that the success of their games merits.

I don't agree that video games should be as expensive as they are, and if companies don't provide demos or provide rentable copies of their games they open themselves up to piracy. But that doesn't make it OK to pirate the games. Just because someone places the loaded weapon in front of you doesn't make it less of a crime to pick it up and use it. Not that I'm comparing shooting a gun to stealing a game, but the analogy remains somewhat accurate.

Anyways. Sorry about flaming, it's just a slight hot-button issue for me.

EDIT: Also, I understand that most developers don't get paid per sale, but the fact still remains. The money goes somewhere. It doesn't ALL go to the publisher. My point still remains.

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 1:48 pm
by wulf
You know what? that's exactly what I used to think. Thare was a time when I used to download games and programs thinking "this is way too expensive, I'll just download it now to learn it/try it, and later I'll scrape the money together"

well, guess what? a couple of years later, I had somewhere in the order of $10,000 worth of "backup" software. Even my os was warez. There was no way I could, or would, ever pay for that much.

finally my consiense(sp?) got the better of me, and I got rid of all of it.. that was what first prompted me to try linux.

I was welcomed to a world where almost all of the software was free, and in many cases a damn sight better and more interesting than "commercial" software. My computer never crashes now, and I have learned a lot from learning a new os.

I'm not trying to be all "holier than thou" on you, but you should stop and consider how much hard work the artists and programmers put into their games and software (except MS ;)

So all I'm trying to say is that you should ask yourself if the real reason you use stolen software is because you are trying to cull the weak software from the herd, or are you just cheap?

besides, game rentals have been invented, to download to try doesn't wash.

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 3:08 pm
by Guest
I would even find it hard to believe most people downloading so much software every really use it or play it. Its there just there "to have just in case".

If people bought their software, perhaps they would appreciate its value more because they would also feel inclined to make use of their purchase as far as the cost will take them.

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 4:03 pm
by mrbrown
What the heck is going on? We don't cater to rants such as these. To the Hall of Shame, Batman!

Mr Closer in full effect!