Background Music for your Lua Games -

Discuss using and improving Lua and the Lua Player specific to the PSP.

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Background Music for your Lua Games -

Post by modcase »

Modcase's Music Loops - For use with LuaPlayer

The downloads below are from my personal music that I have created over the past few years. They are all in the highest quality Lua currently supports. (44khz mono, each loop is about 20-40 seconds with 78 loops in all) (disclaimer: I am allowing them to be used for Shine and Nevyn's LuaPlayer application for the PSP only and no other use is acceptable.)

With that said, I hope that the lua coders here find these audio tracks useful in creating their own LuaPlayer games with audio. I do appriciate feedback so if you liked the music or disliked a certain loop, let me know :) If you happen to make a credit screen in your app I would appriciate credit given for the audio as alot of sweat and blood has gone into making them. Respectively similar to the programs that you are creating. ;)

Code: Select all

--Background Audio loading script
--load the audio track "audio1.wav" as track1 and set it to loop
--start playing the audio you just loaded
track1 = Sound.load("audio1.wav",true)

--start game loop 
while true do
--do stuff

Here are a few sample audio tracks (in wav format currently)
Sample-1 --|-- Sample-2 --|-- Sample-3 --|--Sample-4 --|-- Sample-5 --|-- Sample-6 --|--Sample-7--|-- Sample-8

(I will be changing these to mp3 tracks soon for quick sample listening)

I want to thank Shine and Nevyn on the work they have put into LuaPllayer. Your have made an awesome application!

The files have been seperated into ~20mb downloads and there are about 20 original wav loops in each file. I hope you enjoy them!

Modcase's Preformatted LuaPlayer Audio Loops - Selection #1 - Set #1
Modcase's Preformatted LuaPlayer Audio Loops - Selection #2 - Set #2
Modcase's Preformatted LuaPlayer Audio Loops - Selection #3 - Set #3
Modcase's Preformatted LuaPlayer Audio Loops - Selection #4 - Set #4

The files are currently hosted on (equals ~300k a second ;) Enjoy!!
Last edited by modcase on Mon Sep 19, 2005 8:56 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Joined: Mon Sep 19, 2005 2:38 am

Example code doesn't work

Post by JetSpike »

track1 = Sound.load("audio1.wav",true)

This doesn't work, my game just freezes, and then the psp turns off. I took out the true parameter, and that fixes it. But the music doesn't loop anymore.

I tried:


But that freezes and turns off as well. (I'm not sure I'm using the function right.) How can I get a sample to loop?

BTW: Thanks for the samples, I'll be using a few in my game I'm working on!
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Post by modcase »

I know that you have to call and begin the loop before you start your game/level code as if it is called in your while/do loop the sound will repeat unnaturally.

-- Untitled - Modcase --

The link above will take you to the game im working for luaplayer. It is at a very early stage and I am new to game programming as well. However it has a audio file that is included in the in the downloads provided in the first post and it will loadsthe file and play/repeat it during "gameplay" without a problem.

I hope this helps :)
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PSP Lua Background Music

Post by modcase »

I have moved the files to a new location (still on APS server) I have also added a few more files and will continue to add more now that I have free time.

If anyone is looking for a "theme" or music to go with your game let me know and I will see what I can do.

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Re: PSP Lua Background Music

Post by dkla »

modcase wrote:I have moved the files to a new location (still on APS server) I have also added a few more files and will continue to add more now that I have free time.
I can't seem to find the audio files-- are they still on the APS server?
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