
Discuss using and improving Lua and the Lua Player specific to the PSP.

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Post by maweryck »


How to create the transparency in an image png for the psp?
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Re: Png

Post by ShUr1k3n »

maweryck wrote:HI ALL

How to create the transparency in an image png for the psp?
Hi maweryck,

just use Paint Shop Pro, or any Image Editor that can "Write" PNG format.

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Post by LuMo »

not sure if every image editor can do that (guess paint can't although it can read andwrite png's)
Photothop can do it, thats for sure :)

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Post by MasterQ »

use photoshop to make transparent pngs.

but keep in mind that luaplayer can only do full transparency on the pngs. there is no semi-transparency yet. in my opinion this should be put in the player in future versions, because the graphics look really crappy without anti-aliasing. i heard somewhere that they are working on it, though.
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Post by haust »

ok, so how can i save 16 bits png files with photoshop. Currently I can only save in 4, 8 or 24 bits....
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Post by MikeHaggar »

Erhm... Save as 24 bit...
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Post by link »

what if you dont have photoshop? my program shows a checker board for transparent area but when you save it as .png it turns the transparent area into white. are there any free programs that i can use because i dont want to pay $800 dollars to make an inch of a picture transparent.

If i do save it in my program an then run the lua it is just a bunch of boxes with lines. Is there away around this problem? Even if i open the picture and dont do anything, then resave, it it will still be lines. Is there a code imbedded in the .png?
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Post by KawaGeo »

I just wrote a function that converts all background in a solid color to transparency. The code is given below.

Code: Select all

function Image:transparentize(bgColor)
  local p
  local transparent =,0,0,0)
  local result = Image.createEmpty(self:width(), self:height())
  for x = 0, self:width()-1 do
    for y = 0, self:height()-1 do
      p = self:pixel(x, y)     -- returns a color
      if p == bgColor then
        result:pixel(x, y, transparent)
        result:pixel(x, y, p)  -- copy the same color
  return result
Write a couple of statements to do this...

Code: Select all

black =,0,0)  -- solid color (for an example)

newImage = oldImage:transparentize(black)
PS: You don't have to buy $800 software just to do the job. Hail to Lua Player! :)

PSS I made up the word, transparentize. What a better word is there?

PSSS The function will be included in my LPut library.

PSSSS, never mind. :)
Geo Massar
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Post by link »

Im i supposed to put this into my game code or run it sepperate? On psp or on PC?

PLEASE specify instructions. Where should i put the image that needs transparancy?

Give me some instructions PLEASE of what i should do.
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Post by haust »

from what I see, you can just copy-paste the code in your game, load your image then transparentize it by specifying the transparency color and it should be ok.
Note that the transparency color should not be used in your non-transparent part of your image....

If I'm wrong someone will correct me.
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Post by LuMo »

how about that?
rename transparentize to setTransparentColor(color)

usually,0,255) is used as transparency mask, cause its used in very few cases ;)

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Post by link »

tiles = Image.load("tiles.png")
figure = Image.load("figure.png")

function Image:setTransparentColor(color)
local p
local transparent =,0,0,0)
local result = Image.createEmpty(self:width(), self:height())
for x = 0, self:width()-1 do
for y = 0, self:height()-1 do
p = self:pixel(x, y) -- returns a color
if p == bgColor then
result:pixel(x, y, transparent)
result:pixel(x, y, p) -- copy the same color
return result
black =,0,0) -- solid color (for an example)

newImage = Image:setTransparentColor(black)

this is what i have. it keeps saying now that it cant perform arithmatic on a nil value. Any ideas?
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Post by LuMo »

"Good artists copy, great artists steal."
Pablo Picasso
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Post by jimjamjahaa »

are there any free programs that i can use because i dont want to pay $800 dollars to make an inch of a picture transparent.

it is teh ownage
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Post by link »

man gimp is awesome!!!! it free and you can do LOTS with it!!!! at first i expected a paint program or something since it was free but you can do just about anything!!! I highly recomend gimp to anyone
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