Tarot card game

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Tarot card game

Post by alexis »


First of all, I'm sorry for my level of english ... I was so lazy during school ...

I just released a "test" version of tarot card game. (This game is quit popular in French pubs at list).

The game in in test phase so if you discover some bugs or some strange behavior please report me the bug. To do it (if you're motivated) use "triangle" to access to internal log then use "select" to dump the log into "tarot.log" file and send me this log file plus a short descrption about "what is strange" or "what could be improved".

For the moment I just tested the game under "lowser" environnement.

Another important point is that the game is in French. If not only french people like to play tarot I'm ready to translate it in english.

You can download script at http://briefcase.yahoo.com/bc/alexis_ge ... ot&.view=l

Many thanks to all.
Ho no ... !! I make the same bug again !!!
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Post by alexis »

Sory I forgot:
You have to sign in to access to the files:
Yahoo ID : "alexis_germaneau"
passwd : "ps2dev"

Ho no ... !! I make the same bug again !!!
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the rules of the game

Post by alexis »


You can see the rules of the game in the folowing link:

Ho no ... !! I make the same bug again !!!
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Post by alexis »


I issued a new release (v1.00d02) where a lot of AI problems was fixed.

Ho no ... !! I make the same bug again !!!
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