Hello everybody,
I'm trying to make a class that manage sprites.
All is going well, but I've a little problem :
I'm trying to save the content of a screen portion before drawing a sprite to avoid re-drawing all the background at every frames.
But when I use screen_save.blit (...., screen, ....) LUAPlayer says that it want an image and not a table for the argument.
Has the screen have an image property, or is there a special instruction to blit the screen to an image ?
Help with blit and screen
Moderators: Shine, Insert_witty_name
Re: Help with blit and screen
The screen object should work like an image object. If not, please add a note to the bugs page, with an example how I can reproduce the bug, maybe I or someone else can fix it. But first try screen_save:blit instead of screen_save.blit please :-)
Here's the SpriteManagerClass :
Here's the sprite class :
Here's the Main Code :
The problem is in the method saveBackground(), the instruction self.manager.background:blit(self.x,self.y,screen,self.x,self.y,self.manager.tileWidth,self.manager.tileHeight,true) cause the problem
Is is possible to acces to the screen Image or the Backbuffer Image ?
PS : I must say that I use LuaPlayer for Windows.
Code: Select all
clsSpriteManager = {
tileWidth = 0,
tileHeight = 0,
nbTilesOnRow = 0,
nbTilesOnCol = 0,
image = nil,
background = nil,
timer = Timer.new()
function clsSpriteManager:new()
mtbSpriteManager = {}
setmetatable(mtbSpriteManager, self)
self.background = Image.createEmpty(480, 272)
self.__index = self
return mtbSpriteManager
function clsSpriteManager:load(filename, width, height)
self.tileWidth = width
self.tileHeight = height
self.nbTilesOnRow = self.image:width() / width
self.nbTilesOnCol = self.image:height() / height
function clsSpriteManager:getTile(tile)
local x = math.mod(tile, self.nbTilesOnRow) * self.tileWidth
local y = math.floor(tile / self.nbTilesOnCol) * self.tileHeight
return x,y
Code: Select all
clsSprite = {
x = 0,
y = 0,
index = 0,
oldx = 0,
oldy = 0,
savx = 0,
savy = 0,
trgx = 0,
trgy = 0,
isMoving = false,
movingStartTime = 0,
movingTime = 0,
manager = nil
function clsSprite:new(SpriteManager)
mtbSprite = {}
setmetatable(mtbSprite, self)
self.manager = SpriteManager
self.__index = self
return mtbSprite
function clsSprite:moveTo(newX, newY, time)
local startTime = self.manager.timer:time()
self.trgx = newX
self.trgy = newY
self.oldx = self.x
self.oldy = self.y
self.isMoving = true
self.movingStartTime = startTime
self.movingTime = time
function clsSprite:saveBackground()
self.savx = self.x
self.savy = self.y
self.manager.background:blit(self.x,self.y,screen,self.x,self.y,self.manager.tileWidth,self.manager.tileHeight,true) -- HERE IS THE PROBLEM --
function clsSprite:Draw()
local currentTime = self.manager.timer:time()
if currentTime >= self.movingStartTime + self.movingTime then
self.x = self.trgx
self.y = self.trgy
self.isMoving = false
if self.isMoving then
self.x = self.oldx + (self.trgx - self.oldx) * ((currentTime - self.movingStartTime) / self.movingTime)
self.y = self.oldy + (self.trgy - self.oldy) * ((currentTime - self.movingStartTime) / self.movingTime)
local sourcex, sourcey = self.manager:getTile(self.index)
print(currentTime, self.x, self.y)
screen:blit(self.x, self.y, self.manager.image, sourcex, sourcey, self.manager.tileWidth, self.manager.tileHeight, true)
Code: Select all
sprManager = clsSpriteManager:new()
spr = clsSprite:new(sprManager)
-- wait forevever
while spr.isMoving do
Screen doesn't seems to be an image.error: Sprite.lua:51: bad argument #2 to `blit' (Image expected, got table)
Is is possible to acces to the screen Image or the Backbuffer Image ?
PS : I must say that I use LuaPlayer for Windows.
I would personally use a custom image and redisplay that every time you want to refresh the table.. It can be done by defining it.
That way you use a preimage and draw that every time instead of screen..
Unfortunatly that would be the only way of preventing drawing everything all over again.
Plus if you blit it to the "screen" then you can check the screen instead of preimage.
I just thought id throw that out there.
Code: Select all
preimage = Image.createEmpty(screen:width(), screen:height())
Unfortunatly that would be the only way of preventing drawing everything all over again.
Plus if you blit it to the "screen" then you can check the screen instead of preimage.
I just thought id throw that out there.
I think I know your problem....
You are telling it a table, but not which part of it.
for example,
to blit self.x, lets say:
self.x = {0}
Now, to blit it, you need to tell it what number out of self.x.
That tells it the first digit in self.x and self.y instead of just telling it to use the table.
for example,
to blit self.x, lets say:
self.x = {0}
Now, to blit it, you need to tell it what number out of self.x.
That tells it the first digit in self.x and self.y instead of just telling it to use the table.
Self.x is a variable not a table.youresam wrote:You are telling it a table, but not which part of it.
for example,
to blit self.x, lets say:
self.x = {0}
Now, to blit it, you need to tell it what number out of self.x.
That tells it the first digit in self.x and self.y instead of just telling it to use the table.
screen is a table. Unfortunatly there is no way arround defining that as anything more than a table with a write function.
So what I would suggest is looking at writing a prebuffer code to allow you to make your drawing of sprites faster. Unfortunatly there is no current work arround other than that.
PS I ran into a similar problem with code I created as well. So I know first hand.