Lua Sudoku
by Dave Kalin
dkalin @ gmail . com
Here is my first semi-functional release of a Sudoku program written in Lua. I just noticed a few Homebrew and commercial Sudoku releases recently, so I thought I'd let this out into the community in the hopes it may grow into a group Opensource project.
Anyway, this is a PSP version of those simple yet addictive Sudoku puzzles. Written in LUA, LuaPlayer is required to play this game (version 0.15 or higher). LuaPlayer can be downloaded for free at http://www.luaplayer.org
I welcome any questions/comments/suggestions/programming help from the Lua development community. Please contact me at dkalin@ gmail . com
The file can be downloaded at http://www.dkdigital.com/sudoku/LuaSudoku.zip
The aim of the Sudoku puzzle is to enter a number from 1 through 9 into each cell of a 9×9 grid made up of 3×3 subgrids (called "regions"). Each row, column, and region must contain only one instance of each numeral. No math is involved, but completing the puzzle requires patience and logical ability. More information on Sudoku can be found at http://www.dailysudoku.co.uk/sudoku/index.shtml
Up/Down/Left/Right - Moves the cursor around the 9x9 grid
Left Trigger / Right Trigger - Changes the number in the hilighted cell
Select - brings up the Options Dialog.
Triangle - brings up the New Puzzle Dialog. (this feature is not working as of this version)
X - check Puzzle
Version 0.1 (alpha)
7 Dec 2005
Here's what I have so far:
* Nice graphics IMHO :-)
* Basic playability with cursor movement (including transparancy in the hilighted square) and number entry (with the trigger buttons)
* Transparent Helper Guides to highlight the cursor's row, column, and box.
* Check Puzzle feature to see which entries are right/wrong
* Option Select dialog
* New Puzzle dialog
* Timer feature (fixed for version 0.15)
What's not here yet:
* New puzzles -- basically it's the same puzzle every time. I'm still looking for the code to generate new puzzles-- if anyone out there can help me with this functionality, please let me know.
* Fonts are not final yet. That includes dynamic and bitmapped fonts.
* Minor graphic tweaks
* Sound / background music
* Check a square-- the "real way" of checking to see if the current square is valid. Right now I just compare the current square with the final solution (which is okay I guess) instead of checking it "by rule" (i.e., no matching numbers in row/column/box). I'll probably implement this after version 1.0
* Pencil marks -- don't know if I'm going to implement this because I don't know where it would go in such a small screen.
* Possible number choices -- don't know if I'm going to implement this because I don't know where it would go in such a small screen.
If anyone wants to help me out with some Lua programming, please let me know. Enjoy! :-)