Been playing around quite a bit and I love this. Here is my first test project.
I have been painstakingly using pspad to write some of the scripting, and while the program itself could use some work, I LOVE the circular keypad input.. it's very quick to pick up on and easy to type.
The one problem I had was it was a bit too sensitive as there were 26 buttons all the way around the analog, which gave little room for error.
I started working on this as I would need some keyboard input for some stuff I will be working on soon, and thought it would be nice to throw it out there. The setup now is a 32 key + Main button. This setup is a bit touchy, but I am still fine tuning it.
This is the first test version, but in my future releases, I intend to do the following:
- additional key sets, including special keys (say like 5 sets for alpha lower/upper, numbers, etc)
- Add selectable keyboard/mapping : This will allow you to pick from various keyboard setups, and keep your own customizable mapping saved in a seperate folder for say.. common programming layout, that can be used from lua program to lua program (assuming it is using this keyboard script)
- Add macro support (so you can have macros for say lua if/while/etc statements)
- Add a few more keyboards
- More customization
- Make more "script friendly": you will be able to call say.. getInput() to get a line from the user, or getKeyInput() to return each key pressed, isVisible() to know if it is visible or not, etc...
If someone would like to play around and create your own you can, just name your images to "pad.png" for the keyboard bg and "sel.png" for the 'hover' pictures. Then check out the keyboard.lua for the key setup.. it takes a bit of work to setup, but you can literally make your keyboard look however you want. Here's what's configurable for each key:
char = the character to show/input
loc x,y = the top/left location of the selected key image from the topleft of the background image
color = the color the character shown on the key will turn when selected
offset x,y = the offset from the topleft of the selected key image to display the character
imgindex = topleft location of the image to use in the sel.png image
imgsize width,height = the size of the image to use in sel.png
!!NOTE: these range from 0-254 to avoid negative values, 0 being the top and left of the analog respectively
analogmin x,y = minimum range for the analog to select the key
analogmax x,y = maximum range for the analog to select the key
I would love to make this real nice and see it implemented in some lua programs! Please feel free to leave your suggestions or pm me with them.