hey does anybody have a problem using the PSP lua reader thing or lowser? When i exit about 90% of the time i get a screen with text on top of eachother and some black squares. I can read some text and it says "reboot" and "system". something about user.mod or something. does anybody get this when they exit from their lua or when exiting from lowser?
Does this come from lowser, lua reader, or PSP OS? Im kind of getting worried if it comes from the PSP itself because it might brick. Anybody know anything about this??
I mise well kill 2 birds with 1 stone and ask if there is a new Lowser availible
lowser or lua reader thing
Moderators: Shine, Insert_witty_name
Re: lowser or lua reader thing
It is from the PSP kernel, because in Lua Player the stdout and stderr handlers are redirected, which are used from the PSP kernel, too. It's nothing to worry about and I'll try to fix this in the next release.