Massive Lowser Hang - Power Switch Disabled!

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Dr. Vegetable
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Massive Lowser Hang - Power Switch Disabled!

Post by Dr. Vegetable »

Ok, forgive me if this is a known problem or simply an impossible thing to fix, but I did something mildly stupid that was quite alarming. I had put my PSP to sleep while running Lowser and forgot all about it. The next day, I swapped Memory Sticks and turned the PSP back on. Lowser just hung and I couldn't even turn the PSP off, even when I held the power switch for several seconds! I eventually popped the battery out for a couple seconds, and the system restarted just fine.

Anyway, I just wanted to mention this in case it could be fixed, or just to make the work-around known.
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Re: Massive Lowser Hang - Power Switch Disabled!

Post by Shine »

When some program hangs, you can turn off the PSP by holding the power switch in the on-position, but the PSP tuns off only, when holding it very long (some 20 seconds, but definitley longer than you need for a turn off when it doesn't hang). Popping the battery should be never needed, at least I had some very hard crashes while developing PSP C programs and the power switch helped always.

Some timings:

normal operation, power holding to on for 1 second -> sleep-mode
normal operation, power holding to on for 5 seconds -> power-off mode
program hangs, power holding to on for at least 20 seconds -> power-off mode

When turning on again, from sleep-mode it restores the last state before it went to sleep and from power-off mode the Sony intro is played and it starts in a default power-on state. I'm not sure, but I think power-off needs less battery power.

Regarding the bug: It is not known, but when changing the memory stick while a program is running from it, many things can happen.
Dr. Vegetable
Posts: 171
Joined: Mon Nov 14, 2005 1:32 am
Location: Boston, Massachusetts

Post by Dr. Vegetable »

Thanks for the speedy reply!

I don't think I was patient enough to hold the power switch for 20 seconds. Thanks for the tip.

Yeah, I figured that switching memory cards while an application is sleeping is not a Good Thing to do. I wasn't surprised (in retrospect) that everything went south. Definitely a case of pilot error, but probably something that will happen to a lot of people, judging from the huge popularity of Lua Player.
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