@Panajev2001a, the kernel module output looks good. I have the same here except for the RSX revision (11), I guess my hardware is older (european 60GB version). The new ps3fb reserved size should not be an issue, I'm using 1920*1080*2 bytes for Xv at most and the rest for upload/download to/from screen, so 9MB should still be enough. Let us know if you can confirm this. I don't know if the 3D demos use the XDR extensively.
To use the accelerated driver, you have to change xorg.conf from:
Also, adding the following section is recommended (enable Composite):
Code: Select all
Section "Extensions"
Option "Composite" "Enable"
Finally, installing with ./configure, make, make install, will put the driver in /usr/local, so you have to create a link to it in /usr for Xorg to find it:
Code: Select all
ln -s /usr/local/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/ps3_drv.so /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/ps3_drv.so
@mickfromperth, I glad to hear the new kernel module fixed your display issue. Concerning xine, I've tested it here and it seems it won't use xv because the driver (and RSX hardware) does not support YV12 (only YUYV). Conversion between those two formats is relatively straightforward so adding support for YV12 should not be a problem. However, it should be the application responsibility to do it, not the driver.. Anyway, I'll have a look at it eventually. Video data is copied to ioif region anyway, so converting to YV12 on-the-fly should not impact performance much. X11 (Shm) video output will not be accelerated compared to fbdev, since the conversion from YUV to RGB and the scaling is done by the application (xine here).
Compiz will not work. It needs Composite, but it also needs GLX, which we don't have yet (and will require huge amount of work to get). Compiz is one composite manager, but there are others. In particular there is xcompmgr which provides translucency (using the transset application) and can add fade in/out effect and drop shadow effect to the windows. Composite is about alpha blending, not 3D.
Thanks for your feedback, it is useful indeed.
If there are people using stock distribution kernels and have packaging skills, a nice contribution would be a .rpm or .deb of the kernel module for all other users of the same distribution out there.