Runs only on PSP 1.00.
Place EBOOT.PBP at directory PSP\GAME\HELLOPSP\ of Memory Stick, and
you will find HELLO WORLD at GAME -> MEMORY STICK of XMB.
To shutdown, hold up power switch several seconds, or remove battery.
All scratch code, compiled by ps2dev toolchain.
Interestingly this EBOOT.PBP wasnt put together with elf2psp command line tool - either there is a necessary update for this tool, or need a different tool? BTW please bash me.. for being so pessimistic about this.. there has been alot of hype.. and has been driving me nuts.. Its wiked this is now possible...
... has anyone independently verified that this boots on a 1.0 psp? i only have 1.5 and cant check, but until someone else checks it and verifys that its actually running code, all we have is a custom image on a psp, which is default behaviour supported by Sony... i find it very hard to believe that Sony failed to lock down the v1.0 THAT badly :)
ripnet wrote:... has anyone independently verified that this boots on a 1.0 psp? i only have 1.5 and cant check, but until someone else checks it and verifys that its actually running code, all we have is a custom image on a psp, which is default behaviour supported by Sony... i find it very hard to believe that Sony failed to lock down the v1.0 THAT badly :)
If you can't believe what oopo says you shouldn't bother reading these forums.
malloc wrote:
We need to find a way to make it work on 1.5 !
According to an un-named source on it is possible to reflash the PSP back to V.1.0...
"A source has let us know that it is feasible to re-flash your PSP using the legitimate (but difficult to locate) v1.00 firmware... but at this time it's not recommended doing so unless you REALLY know what you're doing. Stay tuned for more info soon on this topic!"
I'd obviously prefer a way to run code on the latest version of the firmware but of course beggars can't be choosers :-)
Im not sure if this is the right place for this but, if the version 1.0 Jap versions (like I have) were updated then the EBOOT.PBP installer they run, must be unencrypted right? If this is so, then sure this can be reverse engineered to find out the 'flags/whatever' needed to turn encryption back off again :-)
I updated to 1.5.. and well.. yeah.. Im hoping this seems logical..
Grover wrote:Im not sure if this is the right place for this but, if the version 1.0 Jap versions (like I have) were updated then the EBOOT.PBP installer they run, must be unencrypted right?
wrong... and encryption checking/switching is in kernel space, which in userland is protected.
I think lmx misunderstood what I said. Basically if the EBOOT.PBP is run to _install_ V1.5 onto a V1.0 system, then the EBOOT.PBP would be unencrypted because the V1.5 isnt yet installed? Hence, you pull apart EBOOT.PBP, say the DATA.PSAR or DATA.PSP and try and find the likely parts that are doing this (ie, would need some serious dissasembly.. on a 3.7 or 10.1 MB file). Then, modify the 1.5 installer to _not_ turn on the encryption that was activated with it - this assumes that this firmware would replace the current one on your PSP, and then youd have a V1.5 with no exe encrpytion? Or maybe I have totally missed something.
Glad this one didn't turn out to be a hoax like all the rest...
re: encryption issues
Since the PSP 1.0 JP firmware has both the exploit (load unencrypted ELF) and the code for unencrypting encrypted programs (ie. an EBOOT.PBP for flash update, and for encrypted games), this is the best of both worlds.
As hinted, there may be an easier way to revert a version 1.5 PSP back to the 1.0 version, but if not...
Someone with a 1.0 PSP can now start looking at the system and seeing how the existing firmware works (assuming it is not heavily protected on the inside). This may open up many more possibilities.
As suggested, one possibility would be to add the unencrypted ELF exploit to the 1.5 firmware, or make a different loader option. However the encryption technology must be understood first.
Of course if someone gets a reflashing tool working now, then a lot more people can jump on the homebrew bandwagon (without having to find a non-updated PSP import)
> Basically if the EBOOT.PBP is run to _install_ V1.5 onto a V1.0 system, then the EBOOT.PBP would be unencrypted because the V1.5 isnt yet installed? ...
The 1.0 system can do both. Encryption wasn't just added in the V1.5 update - it was there all along. Apparently the V1.5 update patches the hole.
NOTE: Sony did this same thing with their AIBO, in 2 different cases. One case (RCODE) was originally released in Japan with a big hole, but was patched by the time they did the US release.
Last edited by PspPet on Fri May 06, 2005 1:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
Now that would be tedious work, but anything is possible. If a fairly easy flashing system is developed down the road, custom updates would be a good way to keep users systems up to date and homebrew friendly.
great work nem :)
would it be possible to have some technical info about how you did this hello world ?
how did you find how to init hardware, and show something on the screen ?
Aperntly when the hackers took control of our sever they got the souce for our home berw app. We dont know what else they got! Since its all over differnt forums heres a link for the people that made it. LINK
Posted by dubayou on Wednesday, May 04 @ Eastern Daylight Time (32 reads)
Seems it has quite nothing to do... Their source seems to contain too much of the SDK stuff. Nuff said.
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