PSF editor that isn't Windows/.NET

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PSF editor that isn't Windows/.NET

Post by Minase »

A while back i wrote a PSF/SFO util to aid in my hacking around.
I went back to it today and cleaned it all up, got rid of the bugs, and added some help text...

Looked just now and there doesn't seem to be any other tools that do this available, that aren't all GUIfied and need windows :P

So, on the off chance that it's useful, here it is:
(the little included types.h is in the same directory)

I haven't used any of the others as i don't have windows, but i don't think this one is lacking any features.

I also wrote a PBP packer/unpacker, based off ooPo's unpacker, but i'm sure there is another of those around somewhere so i wont bother posting as it's only a few lines anyway :).
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Post by Neila »

can someone recommend a bin compiled (win) good SFO editor?
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Post by ooPo »

Minase, good work. Its always good to see tools for the rest of us. :)
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Post by hcsteve »

Hi everybody, long time lurker, first time poster. I definitely bought my PSP for the games, but I've been waiting for the day when I can run my own code on my little wireless friend. Looks like we're getting closer!

Great work Minase, but no workie on big-endian architecture? What about us mac folk? I'd like to help you out with a port for PowerPC once I have some time to dig into the code. PM me or post back here if you're interested.
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