ps2dev reference?

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ps2dev reference?

Post by Compound »

Ez all, first post etc. I was just wondering if an up to date reference of functions , registers and librarys etc is kept for the ps2 dev environment, sorry if it is in a blatantly obvious place and im being dumb
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Post by MrHTFord »


The functions live in the libraries; the major library is ps2sdk.

There's some stuff that's auto-generated from the ps2sdk source code which should be browseable at, but it doesn't seem to be very complete, infact, reading the source itself will give more than is listed there.

Registers? Do you mean CPU registers or other hardware registers? Most people get that info from the ps2linux documentation that Sony provide with the kit.

There are various higher level libraries around that you can use to avoid having to access the hardware too directly yourself. For example, there are three graphics libs you can use (libIto, dreamGL and GsKit).

Get the source or browse the CVS, after all, the best documentation is often the code. Try

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Post by Compound »

cheers much apreceated,

is the ps2 linux documentation freely availible?

although theres alot of other graphics librarys i feel it would be beneficial for me to fully understand exactly what its doing to quite a good level, messed around in too much high level stuff and now want to experiment with this.
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Post by MrHTFord »

The docs come with the ps2linux kit when you buy it, don't ask for them here, forum rules etc.

Regardless, all of what is in the docs can be gleamed from reading the source. If you need specific help, irc channel #ps2dev on efnet is a good place to ask.

Good luck!
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Post by Compound »

haha yeh figured that there might have been issues with it. cheers for your help everythings looking a lot easier than i first imagined it to be
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Post by blackdroid »

There is also wich is run nightly, one drawback is that not much of the ps2sdk have been marked up nicely with doc tags. but its there atleast :)
Kung VU
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Joined: Thu May 12, 2005 10:29 am

Post by Compound »

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