Just curious about current WIPs

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Posts: 41
Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:33 am

Just curious about current WIPs

Post by Histo »

Now that homebrew is pretty much successfull on 1.0 firmware, are there any dev's still working on getting something going on 1.5?

Has all forward progress stopped? Or is everyone in a sort of probing in a holding pattern phase?

What about creating a WIP page to consolidate some of the devs together. Hopefully to get people working on the same projects hooked up with each other.

What if we began to take a sort of business approach to it. Project managers etc... I think more organization would definately benefit the scene.

I don't know maybe i'm tired..... need sleepy
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Re: Just curious about current WIPs

Post by inomine »

Histo wrote: Now that homebrew is pretty much successfull on 1.0 firmware, are there any dev's still working on getting something going on 1.5?
I wouldn't have thought so. The number of people that have V1.5 is a lot larger than 1.0, so there are plenty of people that want to find out how to get it to run on 1.5 and above. 1.0 at the moment is nothing more than a curiosity, it's useful for the trailbralzers to see what can be done easily and to start documenting the system in preperation for the day when everyone can run the code. Afterall, writing something that is going to be used by 1% of the market might be cool but you really want to allow everyone to use it.
Histo wrote: What about creating a WIP page to consolidate some of the devs together. Hopefully to get people working on the same projects hooked up with each other.
Might be interesting but not of much real use, most devs do not want to get harrased as to when project X is going to get released as it has been on the list for the past 6 months. As no-one is going to be making money from it there is no real need for hype for a project, once it is done and works it will get released and peopel will come for themselves.
Histo wrote: What if we began to take a sort of business approach to it. Project managers etc... I think more organization would definately benefit the scene.
Oh for the love of god, no. The one thing that programmers hate with universal passion are project managers that do fuck all and tell them what to code. If some people want to get together and code they can do so, we do not need layers upon layers of burocracy, on large scale open source projects this might be needed but on tiny apps and games this does not add anything at all.
Posts: 41
Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:33 am

Post by Histo »

My vision on a WIP page would be just a place where devers could colaborate on similiar items. Not ment to be a project status or anything of that sort.
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