Ty Shooter v0.1 - An arena shooter

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Ty Shooter v0.1 - An arena shooter

Post by Tychom »

Here's an initial release of the work I started on thursday evening. It's a sort of Robotron-slash-Smash TV clone I guess - use the dpad or analog to manouever and the face buttons to fire.

I put together a video here (4MB, DivX 5.11) and you can download the initial version here (v1.0 PSPs only ofcourse).

In the demo you can't die yet (disabled for debugging) and there is at least one bug I know of (though nothing serious), you can kill enemies though for score, each time you reach a score mod 10 you'll go up a difficulty (up to difficulty 9).

Hope you enjoy it. I aim to add some more touches over the next few days and hopefully have a src release tomorrow.

Alas it's hard to take a good picture, so I present you with a bad one:

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Post by GeKKo »

Wow the Vid is nice!
Why don't make a Sidescrolling Shooter?
Like Space Invader just replace the Enemys and you with little Ships.
The Background just moves to the left and the Ships fly a route from right to left. That would be really cool.

And than make the hole thing awayable for 1.5 so I can play it :D.
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Post by etx »

Very cool!
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