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Post by MindWall »

I was thinking of "proc" function, and how it may be used. Here's what I came up with:

proc:// (handling module) /[parameters]

proc://command/ {command and parameters to be run on PSP}

ex. play movie (PMF) through internet, using module – psmf_http, maybe part of psmf.prx

Code: Select all

proc://psmf_http/?title=Title&author=Name&copyright=Company&information=480x272 / 400kbps&video=
so to play movie off memory stick we would need to have something like:
(if psmf_ms is in say psmf.prx and handles the playback from memorystick)
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Post by kry.sys »

you must have missed my ill-fated and mismanaged thread here :(

mods are welcome as hell to modify my thread... or start a whole new sticky.. ill even rewrite it so it makes more sense.

oh wel.. i gotta go again..

o just noticed that some of those "functions" have to link off a fat device... not block devices. oh and the browser has to have those handler includes in it with the "game". that is.. with the sony provided browser. i really need to get of my lazy ars and document which browsers so far can do which functions.
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Joined: Tue May 10, 2005 4:27 pm

Post by MindWall »

yes, I did miss it... but we really do need to find more functions and think how we may use them =/
actually I would really like to see the "command instruction" file that was sent via proc://command/ with wipeout browser which instructed a copy and unpack of the archived update off remote location. Was anyone able to get that file?
just got the download.pspdif ... is it encrypted or not?
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Joined: Sun Apr 10, 2005 5:05 pm

Post by chaos »

from what i can tell, the wipeout proc only supports two options..

"command" and "upload".

obviously, command is used to process the update packs.

upload is not used yet, but from what i can tell, it will be used for uploading ghosts, stats, and profiles to the website. it builds a stats file on it's own, and it can also pull a hard coded "GHO.SAV" from the directory of your choice.. it doesn't seem to be very useful to us.
Chaosmachine Studios: High Quality Homebrew.
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