flash psp

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flash psp

Post by pokeman1019 »

From http://www.psphacker.com
lflash: Device Name Found

Today loser over at PSDev found out a new device name called lflash: which gives you block access to all 32 megs of the flash. It also opens the device with read/write access.

Good News: Downgrading your firmware to v1.0 seems a lot more doable. My guess is in the next several days we will see something to downgrade PSP firmware. Then Sony will make a patch so this can’t happen any more.

Bad News: Someone could write to your PSP's flash making it into a doorstop (unless the Good news above is made then it should be fairly easy to repair.)

Here are some other ones if you are interested:
flash0: - fat access - system file volume
flash1: - fat access - configuration file volume
ms0: - fat access - memcard
fatms: fat access to memstick
isofs: fat access to umd
irda?: block access to irda port (doesnt support seeking), (? = any number - 0-9)
mscm0: block access to memstick (doesnt support seeking)
mscm?: error 0x80220081 (? = any number - 1-9)
umd00: block access to umd
umd01: block access to umd
umd0?: error 0x80010013 (? = any number 2-7)
umd??: error 0x8001B002 (?? = any number 08-99)

posted by Deklar at 8:38 AM | 5 comments

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Yes Yes YES i can hack my psp background.

Edit: Am i crazy i cant find the program in the file area?
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Post by MrSiir[S] »

Wow! ¿from psphacker.com?, see this post http://forums.ps2dev.org/viewtopic.php?p=11831#11831 :-)
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Post by ooPo »

Locked due to an OBSCENE amount of redundancy.

Come on, 'ps2dev' was even mentioned in the text you pasted!!
