PSPMag is looking for a PSP developer or two that we can interview for a feature we are writing on the home development community for the PSP. Questions will center around what you are doing with your homebrew project, what the future of homebrew will be on the PSP, what issues you are encountering with getting the apps running on other versions of firmware and things of that nature.
Any interested users should email me at the address below. We love what the homebrew community promises for the PSP, and want to let our readers in on what's coming down the pipeline.
PSPMag looking for PSP develoeprs for a feature article
Just wanted to say thank you to those who responded to this request. For anyone who is interested, you can check out our article on the state of homebrew software for the PSP in Issue 04, which will be available on June 15th, 2005 from the URL below.
Editor - PSPMag
check out the site here...
Editor - PSPMag
check out the site here...