Is that possible to downgrade firmware 1.5 to 1.0?

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Is that possible to downgrade firmware 1.5 to 1.0?

Post by ziozzang »

anyway, memory stick swap method works on 1.50 PSP.

so It that possible overwrite old firmware dump to 1.5's "Flash memory area"?
what do you think?

My Idea.
>> 1. Read Flash Memory Area(1.0) with Block Read and dump to memstick
>> 2. Swap Mem Stick to Excute Dumper (1.5)
>> 3. Dump Flash Memory area with Block Write (Not FAT16 or so)

We maybe need 1.5 firmware dump to anlysis that, but Do you think is that works?
Jioh L. Jung
Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Korean(Native), Japanese(a little), English(somehow).
MMORPG Game Designer.
PSP 1.0 Jap. / iBook OSX 10.4
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