Since nobody has figured out how to use the psp's 3d hardware to draw polygons to the screen, I thought I'd do the next best thing and write a software renderer. It's available from (Pay no attention to, I just admin it and make use of extra space and bandwidth.) Anyway, what works:
- Raster lines
Raster polygons
Filled raster polygons
3d lines
3d wireframe polygons
3d filled polygons
- Backface culling
Text rendering
User input library
trig.rb is a Ruby script that generates my precalculated sin, cos and tan tables.
All the library code (render.*, matrix.*, raster.*, test.c, trig.*) is under the BSD license. The rest (startup.S, param.sfo, icon0.png, etc) were taken from nemnem's helloworld.
The demo program (eboot.pbp, test.c) is a sample of how to draw stuff. left, right, up, down, triangle, X, R and L to move the triangle around. Go crazy.