Looking for some good advice on making a PSP side scroller

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Looking for some good advice on making a PSP side scroller

Post by oneman »

Ive been programming PHP for 5 years now, and Im pretty decent with it. As far as C is concerned I can make some pretty lame menu driven math programs. I was able to get a psp-toolchain set up on my slackware box, and I was able to modify NEM's hello world to loop my own text messages. Im sure making a side scroller is infinitly more complex, and Ive been looking around the net for tutorials.

Im looking for some advice as to what librarys I should consider using, if there is any, or maybe even just a good collection of portable snippets and guides that would be portable/applicable to working with the PSP. The game im looking to create is something along the lines of the old duke nukem 2d games for dos.

Thanks guys, you rock!!
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Joined: Tue May 31, 2005 5:11 am

Post by 0xdeadface »

Wow, are you in for a ride :o)

I'd start by exploring http://www.gamedev.net

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