Question about the legal and not so legal PSP dev

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Question about the legal and not so legal PSP dev

Post by jimmygoon »


1st) the legal route

a) are there examples
b) are there some kind of instructions because I can dev a little bit once I get some kind of environment setup
c) if not can someone give me the quick version

2nd) the notsolegal route

a) has the real SDK been leaked?
b) what can people do with it that they can't do with the open source one?
c) how is it used LOL no I'm not saying help me install the illegal Sony SDK... just like how WOULD it be used (uh.. toolchain?? maybe?)

Lastly what is a toolchain and is THE SAME ONE used with the leak and illegal SDK?

thanks for satisfying my curiousity.

also I'm on a windows pc :( its a shame I know... but anyways... how would I go about installing these? I'm betting that the compiler or toolchain or GCC ???? works under linux/cygwin?
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Post by crazyc »

The notsolegal route is taboo here.

Post by Guest »

The pspsdk borrows nothing from the official toolchain.

They are, however, meant to be able to perform similar functions - contain libraries of code and the ability to compile code.

I would gather that most here have not even seen the official Sony toolchain, though I am sure some have.

But perhaps a different approach to your question is necessary:

Granted its out of curiosity, but why is it even necessary to compare the two, especially since you may not use one of them ? Especially, rather than ask in advance what are the differences and why one would use one over the other, why not just start using the homebrew toolchain, and if it doesn't meet your needs, then there is an area to contribute ?

But finally, you asked if the official toolchain was leaked. I take that as an indirect way of asking for it, as the answer is only useful if you are interested in warezing a copy. There really is no point in asking that question, even for curiosities sake.

This thread is therefore locked, and you are put on warning to carefully consider the legalities of what you ask for in the future. You will notice that we especially check for *wink* *wink* attempts at warezing or discussing forbidden topics, so just don't bother, ok ?
Last edited by Guest on Sat Jun 25, 2005 10:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Drakonite »

yes there are examples, search these forums. The hello world is the main one at the moment, there will be better ones with pspsdk
yes there are some instructions, search the forums. and read the source.

Questions about the official SDK will very quickly get you banned on this site -- consider this your only warning.

The homebrew pspsdk will be able to do most of the things the official SDK can do, and it won't take long before it can do virtually everything (only things it would be lacking are things we don't need)
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Post by ooPo »

He's just asking about the official sdk, and what it may do that he can't with the homebrew equivalent. Cut some slack, dude. :) Its just general curiosity.

That said, I don't really know what the official sdk contains. I've never seen it, nor do I need to. Its been leaked apparently, but I've heard it contains watermarks and other tracking nasties that they can use to find you when you install it. Its just not worth the trouble.

Post by Guest »

ooPo wrote:He's just asking about the official sdk, and what it may do that he can't with the homebrew equivalent. Cut some slack, dude. :) Its just general curiosity.
Oopo, I know thats what he asked, but thats not all he asked. ;) Anyhow, if he asked his question a different way it probably would not have been a big deal. There are other sites that thrive on *wink* *wink* stuff to give the visible perception they care about legalities though its obvious its a sham. I personally think its a mistake to allow that to happen here, because it *IS* obvious, even if some here do not think so.
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Post by ooPo »

I dunno, I've read it over a few times now and I don't see anything beyond idle curiosity. *shrug*

Post by Guest »

ooPo wrote:I dunno, I've read it over a few times now and I don't see anything beyond idle curiosity. *shrug*
The questions leading up to this were becoming quite implicit, but the killer statement was:
but anyways... how would I go about installing these?
So he was asking about how to install "these" as in plural. Of course, asking first whether the offical one has been "leaked" yet, and there being tons of information already on how to install the homebrew one. By the number of posts this guy has had, he's been around long enough to already have seen posts on how to do the homebrew one.

C'mon Oopo! He clearly had no need to be asking this for the homebrew one! :)

EDiT: And the thread title ending in "...and not so legal dev". So he wasn't asking about official SDK, he was asking about "not so legal dev" in addition to his comparisons. He could have just as easily approached it as "comparing official and homebrew" but there was an emphasis on "not so legal" comparisons. Dunno, just call me paranoid then, but its all pretty clear to me. :)
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Post by ooPo »

He could have meant the examples he originally asked for when he said 'these', especially after saying 'but anyways' which sounds like he was returning to the original question.
