Ahhh, the freenode enjoyment continues...

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Ahhh, the freenode enjoyment continues...

Post by ooPo »

!lilo*! Christel, in her continuing obsession with triva, notes that we apparently have a ##trivia channel .... 8)
!lilo*! It just seems to be the day for major off-topic announcements.
!lilo*! Striker`Work, in a rare display of taciturnity, announces that he has nothing to announce.
!lilo*! oqp mentions that an excellent time was had by all at http://copyright2005.koumbit.org/index.en in Montreal....
+stallman attended, and there was a nice panel with folks from Creative Commons Canada, etc.
-->[lilo] good lord! you got your donations... please make it stop!
<--[lilo] http://freenode.net/policy.shtml#announcements
<--[lilo] if you want it to stop, you can make it stop.... I can help if you'd like ;)
-->[lilo] I turn them on specifically to keep updated on things like outages.
<--[lilo] and apparently without reading the network policy on annoucements ;)
-->[lilo] Is this official notice not to expect such things from wallops?
<--[lilo] from the policy page: "...WALLOPS messages may contain nearly any information provided for, by or about the
+network, the network staff or the communities we serve. This may include detailed network status information, announcements
+of new channels and group contacts, staff birthdays, group events, random news, commentary, banter and/or bad puns...."
<--[lilo] ".... By policy, the answer to complaints about the content of WALLOPS messages is, please turn off WALLOPS on
+your client. Information has been provided in the FAQ describing how to turn network staff informational messages on or
+off. Thanks in advance for your understanding...."
-->[lilo] Yes, I just read that. I am asking for in-person verification that this statement is up to date. While I have you,
+as it were.
<--[lilo] you have no reason to doubt the currency of our announcements policy
<--[lilo] it's current
-->[lilo] Thank you for finally answering the question. I will do ask you ask. Have a nice day.
*** Mode change "-w" for user ooPo by ooPo

Information on the freenode network can be found on our website. Of particular interest: the policy page, the FAQ, the news page, the channel guidelines and the network philosophy section. In addition, policy is to send via global notice those announcements whose contents have an effect on a large portion of the network community. These include announcements about scheduled and unscheduled downtime on major servers, and notification when the network news page has been updated.

In contrast, WALLOPS messages may contain nearly any information provided for, by or about the network, the network staff or the communities we serve. This may include detailed network status information, announcements of new channels and group contacts, staff birthdays, group events, random news, commentary, banter and/or bad puns.

By policy, the answer to complaints about the content of WALLOPS messages is, please turn off WALLOPS on your client. Information has been provided in the FAQ describing how to turn network staff informational messages on or off. Thanks in advance for your understanding.
Further verification that freenode continues to be the personal playground of a smarmy prick. I had hoped that after getting his donations that the innane daily-to-hourly reminders of his financial situation would end. It did, but has since been replaced with just ordinary innane chatter.

I would like to propose a move to another irc network, perhaps one of our own making.

Thanks for playing!
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Post by mrbrown »

My friends use irc.oftc.net. I have only ever seen them use WALLOPS for outage announcements.
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Post by mrbrown »

I think your main issue is convincing everyone that it's worth it to leave freenode :). I don't care about wallops, just those stupid global messages (which has been surprisingly quiet the last few days...).
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Post by ooPo »

My point is, and has been for a while, that freenode is treated like a toy. At any whim we could find ourselves at the mercy of lilo and his clique.
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Post by Lollerskates »

i offer to host the private ps2dev irc server on my production web server at ev1servers.net. it's very stable and can handle your traffic without issue, as i am drastically under quota on transfer every month.
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Post by rinco »

I like Freenode because it didnt require irc client configuration and the channels are generally dev orientated.

Efnet is still a pit of evil.
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Post by ooPo »

As always, I was open to discussion on alternate networks. People didn't like efnet, fine... but people don't like freenode either.

So let's make a move that counts, if we're going to move at all.
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