EdwardFMA wrote:I have one Question WHY WOULD ANYONE UPGRADE TO THIS FIRMWARE! we now have nifty programs that well get around the must update thing and the web browser could even be developed for 1.0/1.5 as we've seen it's built off Mozillia why not develop an Open Source Browser for the PSP useing a newer much better Mozillia with Flash and Java Applet support! even if no one is up to the task to makeing a Mozillia Browser for the PSP i know i'm gonna look more into this new browser and see if there is a way to run this off the Memory Stick ^_^
I hit 1.51 shortly before 1.5 was hacked. My gf got her PSP upgraded by Sony because it was defective on arrival, and she slacked around on the exchange until it was too late. Now, the question I asked myself is: Is it worth it sitting on 1.51 until someone hacks it, or should I upgrade to 2.0, get some of the features I want out of homebrew, and a framework (Web Browser) to add some of the others I want (address book reader)?
Because I cannot contribute anything to the homebrew scene without my employer's permission (gotta love anti-conflict-of-interest agreements), the answer was simple: upgrade. I can do more good for the PSP scene by working on sync utilities for the Mac and utilizing the browser (which isn't directly related to the stuff my employer does, and doesn't connect them to homebrew indirectly), than I can sitting on my butt waiting for something to happen and unable to contribute anything, even when it does.
Good enough reason for ya?
Oh and Sony's browser isn't Mozilla, practically everything reports themselves as Mozilla these days (except IE). If a browser reports itself as Mozilla rather than as itself, it avoids getting kicked out by the browser lameness filters IT guys at companies put on their sites.
Additional: Flash support isn't gonna happen. It is a closed platform from Macromedia. It is expensive, and why would Macromedia license it to the homebrewers to use on the PSP if it looks like they are already talking to Sony about possible support? Java support is VERY unlikely as well. As it stands, there are only a couple of open implementations of the Java VM, and they are all based on Java SE (the libs are over 15MB, and not great for mobile platforms). Take the difficulty of porting a Java JIT over to the PSP single-handedly, and you have a huge mess of support issues. If Sony can provide a Java ME VM though, then we have another route for homebrew. :)
Also may i add why is a module illegal last time i checked if i had a problem with my Windows i could download the one corrupted DLL on dll-files.com DLL and PRX files are alike they are called Libaries so as i see it the Modules aren't illegal but thats my two cents ;)
dll-files.com is a grey area first off... and secondly, there are quite a few DLL files which are 'redistributable', meaning you are allowed to distribute them to other people. It isn't the file type, it is who owns the copyright on them. Sony doesn't let anyone download just a PRX, do they? Sony doesn't give you access to them except what you can pry from your own PSP, or if you are a paying developer. THAT right there changes the scale of things. I take it you are new enough to not remember how Sony came down on certain PS2 apps (that /WILL/ remain nameless) because they included PS2 .IRX libraries that were Sony's?