Some question about system.cnf

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Some question about system.cnf

Post by Elod »

What is that file? I can find in ps2link and ps2 games disc.
I'm not sure that ps2link is really a bootloader. (because i am a ps2 programming beginner) So I answer another question about how to make my own ps2 program disc, I answer this thing again... Can I make my own ps2 program disc and it can run in a modified PS2. Now, I have a modified PS2, and search informat to make ps2 program. Don't speak other things... Is that system.cnf a important thing to make my own ps2 program disc? How can I make it? Or if I want to make my own ps2 program disc, i must only make that system.cnf and my own ps2 program to create on dvd or cd together, then that disc can run in a modified PS2?
Or... all that ideas are worng, I have other way to do that (to make my own ps2 program disc and it can run in ps2)? Please help me that beginner, and give me some important informations. Thanks!!!!
My english is poor~~
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Post by J.F. »

The main purpose of the system.cnf file is to tell the PS2 bootloader the name of the main file to run. When making your own discs, you need to just copy any old system.cnf and change the boot file name to the name of the elf file you wish to run when the disc boots. Note that you will need the Independence Day exploit, a mod-chip, or something similar to boot your own discs. I've successfully booted most of the PS2 demo programs from CDR that way - copy the demo elf and any other files it needs, and copy a system.cnf, changing the boot file name to the name of the demo. I used to do this for testing until I got the network adapter and got PS2Link running. PS2Link is much better for testing programs than trying to make your own CDs.
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