I'm working on a Cel Shading Demo. Here is a Preview. Do you like it? I'll release it on the weekend.
If you want, I will release source code for a sample too. f the pspdev mods want have it.
Im a 3D modeler too, and i would love to work on a action RPG game(cell shaded or not)for the PSP! :D . but a 3D model viewer with cell shading and normal diffuse shading would be a good start !Valencia wrote:Great example of PSP potential!
I`d like to cooperate with anybody who has knowledge how to create 3D model viewer for PSP. I think it`s good idea.
I`m 3d modeler and animator so I can provide any 3d model in any format with textures etc. Just let me know if u r interested.
support, .OBJ and maybe Sony Collada file format(www.collada.org). OBJ is universal, every 3D app supports it. Cant wait to see it with textures working!McZonk wrote:I'm working on a Modelviewer but I'm not sure which formats I should support (3ds and md2) are supported at the moment. What else?
I would be very happy to get support of some 3d artists, because I have some nice ideas for demos :)
Diablo?:P (not a fan) i was thinking something more like The Legend of Zelda, fully 3D camera system, third person view(switch to first person view, for weapons like arrows,etc), free roaming. huge towns to explore, dungeons,relics,etc. I know it would be alot more work, but it'll be worth it.McZonk wrote:I was thinking about making an RPG Role Playing Game. Nothing really special. Diablo 1 style with randomgenerated 3D Maps and some cool effects. Later Multiplayer support. With the help of some modellers I think we could make real fantastic game.
But the next two weeks I'll work on other top secret psp stuff :D After that period I'll work on the rpg and a full graphics demo. I'm going to contact all modellers than.
I may be able to help you with the story telling. Just contact me when you get to the point where you need something.McZonk wrote:I don't know if Normal Mapping is possible. But I also wrote, that celshading is not possible two weeks before. Even if normal mapping is possible, it would be very very costly.
I like Zelda, but the games live from the story. And I think my game won't have a story. But multiplayer. If we want have a story we would need much more developers, level designers and story writters. With all this I cannot serve, sorry. Perhaps if we find some more people. I would like to make a game like Devil May Cry.
great stuff, looks very good. but, why not just release src now, so people can play around with it, seeing how things works. did you have to rewrite the md2 parser, or did you just port some code over? oh btw is it written in C or C++? i'm guessing C, but just curious.McZonk wrote:I was thinking about making an RPG Role Playing Game. Nothing really special. Diablo 1 style with randomgenerated 3D Maps and some cool effects. Later Multiplayer support. With the help of some modellers I think we could make real fantastic game.
But the next two weeks I'll work on other top secret psp stuff :D After that period I'll work on the rpg and a full graphics demo. I'm going to contact all modellers than.