Browser has no sound - any fixes ?

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Browser has no sound - any fixes ?

Post by objPSP »

The PSP 2.0 browser does not play audio content available in many web pages. After looking closer into it, I found that the javascript implementation does not support the <bgsound> or <embed> tags. It also misses the play() function among others.

Do you know of any browser plugins for PSP v2.0 to support audio (wav/au/mp3) ?

Any ideas?

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Post by objPSP »

After querying the navigator object for it's supported mime types I found that it only supports "application/x-simple-plugin", .smp or .smp2.
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Post by 0x0001 »

i dont seem to recall anyone
here that works for sony :P

only sony can fix a sony program
so open source developers cannot
help you ...also do not make the
mistake in thinking that the 2.0
web browser is anywhere near
as featurefull as firefox for example
it is a start for sony a good start
but still a start so expect many
ordinary features that many take
for granted to not be implemented
yet ...such as flash...but expect flash
in a future upgrade as flash is highly
popular web feature

and no **there currently are no plugins for psp 2.0 web browser**
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Post by mrbrown »

Questions on the use of the Sony Browser are off-topic.