if you need to transpose a matrix, just get my code here
@name: transposeMatrix()
@param: matrix (table in table)
@return: returns the transposed matrix
in the lua sample onlne is already an example-matrix included
and a function to print it onscreen (with print())
greets Lumo
PS: comments and critic wellcome
Transpose Matrix (Source Sample)
Moderators: Shine, Insert_witty_name
It is a valid tld: http://nic.tt/ Trinidad and Tobago are some islands in the southern Caribbean Sea.chaos wrote:i'm not sure .tt is a valid tld..
it seems you're right. i still can't access his site, though. :\Shine wrote:It is a valid tld: http://nic.tt/ Trinidad and Tobago are some islands in the southern Caribbean Sea.chaos wrote:i'm not sure .tt is a valid tld..
Chaosmachine Studios: High Quality Homebrew.