Transpose Matrix (Source Sample)

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Transpose Matrix (Source Sample)

Post by LuMo »

if you need to transpose a matrix, just get my code here

@name: transposeMatrix()
@param: matrix (table in table)
@return: returns the transposed matrix

in the lua sample onlne is already an example-matrix included
and a function to print it onscreen (with print())

greets Lumo

PS: comments and critic wellcome
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Post by chaos »

i'm not sure .tt is a valid tld..
Chaosmachine Studios: High Quality Homebrew.
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Post by Shine »

chaos wrote:i'm not sure .tt is a valid tld..
It is a valid tld: Trinidad and Tobago are some islands in the southern Caribbean Sea.
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Post by chaos »

Shine wrote:
chaos wrote:i'm not sure .tt is a valid tld..
It is a valid tld: Trinidad and Tobago are some islands in the southern Caribbean Sea.
it seems you're right. i still can't access his site, though. :\
Chaosmachine Studios: High Quality Homebrew.
Posts: 410
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Post by LuMo »

sorry, seems that there were some troubles with forwarding to my webspace yesterday... should work now :)
also added another small function

str_explode(text, needle)
str_implode(text, needle)

to convert a string to array, and vice versa (splitted by needle)

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