Window Toolkit for PSP

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Window Toolkit for PSP

Post by xoclipse »

I'm a new PSP owner and since I've had it I have been very interested in the development of homebrew software for the PSP. I'm a programmer myself and I have been inspired to write some software for the PSP. I've been doing lots of research recently, and I'm glad that this site exists because it's helped me out a lot in learning about PSP homebrew software development.

But as I was having fun with pspsdk, I noticed that there isn't really a high level API for writing applications with windows, dialogs, etc,. I think that this is a necessity to make it easier for programmers to not have to worry about the low level parts so that they can focus on the actual functionality of the program.

Now my question is, does a type of window toolkit exist that will work on top of pspsdk, or is anyone currently working on one?

If not, I think I'd be really interested in writing one. Let me know what you think about the idea. By the way, if anyone is interested in any code I've written in the past you can find it at
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Post by dot_blank »

for windoze ;) users there are a
variety of IDE's you can use
on top of PSPSDK
as long as your IDE is pointing
to the PSPSDK libraries and
compiler and other tools
any IDE can be used, including
visual, DC++ and others

there are currently all-in-one
packages around the net that focus
on psp programming in windows
enviroments such noteworthy
is devkitpsp which can be found here

you can find similar information by
looking in the PSPSDK support forum ;)
there is highly documented topics on
how to set up IDE's such as aforementioned
VS.Net and DC++ to include and help you
compile your code for psp using PSPSDK
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Post by weak »

if i'm not mistaken you can find microwindows/nano-x in svn. here's what a quick search yielded.
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Post by xoclipse »

dot_blank: I didn't mean I needed to figure out how to setup my IDE for PSP development, I was talking about an API(set of classes, functions, etc,.) for help in creating an application with dialogs, buttons, and other standard controls.

I checked out microwindows already but I wasn't really that impressed with the quality of it. The graphics in it didn't really impress me at all and I don't think they will change at all in the future, due to the nature of that project. If that's all that exists I'd probably be willing to start on something that is a little more visually appealing. I think it'd be fun also ;). If anyone else wants to help me let me know. Specifically with the actual functions that control the GPU. I'm learning quite a bit about graphics programming right now but if anyone wants to contribute, let me know.
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Post by ZMaster »

There are some APIs out there that set up a GUI on top of OpenGL. Use google. I've found a few, that look very impressing. But you'd certainly have to modify the source a bit since the PSP screen is smaller than what you've usually attached to your desktop computer ;-) You also have no pointing device on your PSP - not yet. But if you contribute some work you might get a hardware accelerated viusal interface :-)
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Post by xoclipse »

Hehe yeah having a hardware accelerated user interface would be pretty cool. I could probably find some useful code from exisiting OpenGL GUI's, but I think I'd rather start from scratch. Mostly because I think it would be a fun learning experience, but also because it would probably be better to have it custom for the PSP from the ground up, which would probably result in the most functional/attractive interface.
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Post by ashleydb »

xoclipse wrote:Hehe yeah having a hardware accelerated user interface would be pretty cool.
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