First LUA Game

Discuss using and improving Lua and the Lua Player specific to the PSP.

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First LUA Game

Post by Koba »

ok, i have decided to reveal my first PSP game made in LUA right now, it is in the earlyest possible state any project could ever be in, i am talking about crappy graphics, EXTREMELY lacking in gameplay lol, but i am happy with my intro and my code cleaness. here are some screens of it, its called PSPHack, what i am wondering if i could get another (one or two only) coders to help, someone to help with ideas, and a graphic artist, i have tons of skill with photoshop, but barely any talent with layouts... so here it is:


heh, pretty bad eh? well PM me if you want to help, if you have ever played UPLINK then you'll know what i am looking for, gameplay wise, but i am gunna make a better hacking game for PSP ;)[/img]
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Post by Zenurb »

I can help with Lua / Graphics if you want. My contact info is all on my profile or you can PM me.
Proud Dvorak User
US 1.5 PSP (Original)
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