shouldnt fgets ignore newline characters?

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shouldnt fgets ignore newline characters?

Post by MrMr[iCE] »

In the application I'm writing, I'm using fgets to read lines from a text file. Problem is when I render the strings with pspDebugScreenPrintf or my own font routines, I see newline characters in the strings.

Granted fgets does terminate a string at the newline, it should not include the newline characters themselves. I have tried saving in unix format (char 10 for new line) and I still see char 10 at the end. If I save in PC format, then I get both characters (char 13, char 10) at the end. Any way to fix that or is this built into the psp's kernel?
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Post by CyberBill »

Thats whats supposed to happen:

Do something like:

Code: Select all

fgets(strbuff, 1024, file);
strbuff[strlen(strbuff)-1] = 0;

Walk through your string and patch any nonreadable text with spaces

Code: Select all

int len = strlen(strbuff);
for(int i=0; i!=len; i++)
  if &#40;strbuff&#91;i&#93; < ' ' || strbuff&#91;i&#93; > '~'&#41;
    strbuff&#91;i&#93; = ' ';
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Post by Paco »

Yeah that peculiarity of fgets() prompted me to write a little function to remove ctrl chars from a string. Then I made it remove leading and trailing spaces. At some point it started removing C and C++ style comments and could applied to entire text files. It has become the oldest piece of code I bring to every project I do, and I'm afraid it will outlive me... thank god it doesn't do unicode! :)
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