I've discovered LUA a few days ago and quickly made "Magic Maze" (v0.1beta)
You can download it here:
It's a port of Ravensburger game "Labyrinth". Since it is my first LUA game, it's most badly written, but it's already working.
Right now, you can only play with 4 human players and the game is never ending.
Everything need to be done so feel free to give me your comments and suggestions.
Magic Maze & Monster World Online
Moderators: Shine, Insert_witty_name
Magic Maze & Monster World Online
Last edited by Ats on Tue Mar 07, 2006 8:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
English translation of the Readme
Magic Maze by Etienne Bégué
Magic Maze is an adaptation of the game Labyrinth by Ravensburger on PSP.
Entirely (but quickly) written in LUA, LUAplayer is required to play this game (http://www.luaplayer.org/)
The goal is to traverse the labyrinth in order to amass the most treasures
Controls of the play
The play proceeds in two phases:
1 - Placing the free flagstone
(D-pad) to move the free flagstone around the labyrinth
(X) to rotate the flagstone
(O) to insert the flagstone in the labyrinth
2 - Moving of the pawn
(D-pad) to move the pawn
(O) to confirm its position
Version 0.1
- Posted the playable beta version online
- The game never ends
- 4 human Players only
[English translation by DrNicket]
Magic Maze by Etienne Bégué
Magic Maze is an adaptation of the game Labyrinth by Ravensburger on PSP.
Entirely (but quickly) written in LUA, LUAplayer is required to play this game (http://www.luaplayer.org/)
The goal is to traverse the labyrinth in order to amass the most treasures
Controls of the play
The play proceeds in two phases:
1 - Placing the free flagstone
(D-pad) to move the free flagstone around the labyrinth
(X) to rotate the flagstone
(O) to insert the flagstone in the labyrinth
2 - Moving of the pawn
(D-pad) to move the pawn
(O) to confirm its position
Version 0.1
- Posted the playable beta version online
- The game never ends
- 4 human Players only
[English translation by DrNicket]
Dr. Nicket
"Alright, you primitive screwheads, listen up. See this? This is my BOOMSTICK!"
- Ash (Bruce Campbell)
"Alright, you primitive screwheads, listen up. See this? This is my BOOMSTICK!"
- Ash (Bruce Campbell)
Thanks DrNicket!
I've got a little question:
I've made a fonction to check how many flagstones are left in the three boxes c0max, c1max and c2max, and pick one if the chosen box is not empty.
but name = name - 1 does not work so I used this instead:
It works but I'm not really proud of this. Can someone help me to get name = name - 1 working?
I've got a little question:
I've made a fonction to check how many flagstones are left in the three boxes c0max, c1max and c2max, and pick one if the chosen box is not empty.
Code: Select all
function check()
-- Choose one of the three boxes
i = math.random(0, 2)
name = _G["c"..i.."max"]
-- While loop if the chosen box is empty
while name == 0 do
i = math.random(0, 2)
name = _G["c"..i.."max"]
print (c0max.." "..c1max.." "..c2max)
-- Pick one flagstone in the chosen box
name = name - 1
return i
Code: Select all
if i == 0 then
c0max = c0max - 1
if i == 1 then
c1max = c1max - 1
if i == 2 then
c2max = c2max - 1
I'm not sure how you're populating _G["c"..i.."max"] (which seems to be where you're setting name from), but you may need to do this:
Code: Select all
name = tonumber(name) - 1
Thanks Lee, but tonumber don't work too.
After a bunch of tries I finally get this:
After a bunch of tries I finally get this:
Code: Select all
_G["c"..i.."max"] = name - 1
Back from the sewers
Hi! I've managed to recover some data from my broken hard drive.
Now I can tell you about the two LUA projects I was working on months ago.
You'll need LUA player for both of them.
Enjoy :D
Magicmaze - v0.2
- Addition of the title/menu
- New icon for LUA browser
- Large code optimization
- The treasure cannot any more appear on an occupied box
- The pawn which begins the game is selected randomly
- Winner's display at the end
Monster World (Online?) - v0.1
For now, it's just a test for making a good engine for a platform game.
The sprites comes from Wonderboy: the dragon's trap.
You can walk through the town with the human hero.
Now I can tell you about the two LUA projects I was working on months ago.
You'll need LUA player for both of them.
Enjoy :D
Magicmaze - v0.2
- Addition of the title/menu
- New icon for LUA browser
- Large code optimization
- The treasure cannot any more appear on an occupied box
- The pawn which begins the game is selected randomly
- Winner's display at the end
Monster World (Online?) - v0.1
For now, it's just a test for making a good engine for a platform game.
The sprites comes from Wonderboy: the dragon's trap.
You can walk through the town with the human hero.