font example

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font example

Post by radad »

Has anyone got a working example of using fontm with the graphics functions in the ps2sdk?
Posts: 13
Joined: Fri Jul 15, 2005 5:19 am

Post by fringo »

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int offsets[10000];

unsigned int read_uint32(FILE *fp)
unsigned int address = fgetc(fp);
address += (fgetc(fp)<<8);
address += (fgetc(fp)<<16);
address += (fgetc(fp)<<24);
return (address);

// This is for output of the 13 byte wide, 4 bit clut format entries
// writes them out as a HEX display, so you can see what the chars are
void dump_chunk13(FILE *fp,int number)
int start, size, count;
FILE *fp2;
char filename[100];

start = offsets[number];
// Go to start of chunk
// work out size, by start of next chunk
size = offsets[number+1] - offsets[number];

printf("dumping chunk13 - %d to '%s' (start %d , size %d)\n",number,filename,start,size);
fp2 = fopen(filename,"wb");

// Write out the chunk
if (count%13 == 12) fprintf(fp2,"\n");
// Cleanup

int main(int argc,char *argv[])
FILE *fp;
char data[100];
unsigned int address;
int count;
int maxcount;
int baseoffset;

if (argc == 2)
if ((fp = fopen(argv[1],"rb")) != 0)
fread(data,1,4,fp); // This reads the header bytes
data[4] = 0;
printf("Header : '%s'\n",data);

// Mini header first
address = read_uint32(fp); printf(" version : 0x%06X\n",address);
address = read_uint32(fp); printf(" bitsize : 0x%06X\n",address);
baseoffset = read_uint32(fp); printf(" baseoffset : 0x%06X\n",baseoffset);
maxcount = read_uint32(fp); printf(" num entries : 0x%06X\n",maxcount);
address = read_uint32(fp); printf(" end of file : 0x%06X\n",address);
printf("max entries = %d\n",maxcount);

// now read the offset entries
for (count=0;count<maxcount;count++)
offsets[count] = baseoffset + read_uint32(fp);

// dump a few example chunks to test
for (count=0;count<100;count++)
for (count=0;count<100;count++)

} else printf("\nUsage : %s filename\n\n",argv[0]);
return 1;
Posts: 13
Joined: Fri Jul 15, 2005 5:19 am

Post by fringo »

I found this code in ps2 bios development....Perhaps it could be any use to you..
Description of file format for 'FONTM' from the PS2 BIOS.
adresd 2003.

The FONTM file contains a PS2 Font, in a format which allows access to individual characters without having to upload a big font bitmap. As each character is stored seperately.
The font contains over 4000 characters, of all types and languages, and non-textual characters as well.
This allows flexible use and the characters to be used any way in which the programmer wishes.

The FONTM file is packed, the depack algorithm and example code have been provided by [RO]man on the site: in the file ''.
Rather than duplicate it here, grab from there.
[Quick greet to [RO]man and the good work he has done :)]
This should be used to depack the file before trying to use the supplied extractor test program, or using it as reference to this document.

After hearing many people wonder about the format of these files and using them, as they quite like the fonts, I decided to write this short doc and example code.
I hope this is of some use to someone.

The fonts in the files I examined were all 4bit CLUT.
The CLUT does not seem to be included in here, and is probably elsewhere.
That does not matter too much as it seems an intensity based CLUT, so creating one will not be hard.

One thing to note, it has been pointed out that this file may not be consistent across ALL ps2 models, and may be a different format or missing on some models.
I do not have details of this, but until it is verified take this into consideration.

I've tested it on my SCPH-10000 (japanese) and SCPH-30003R (pal) machines.
It's also been tested on a SCPH-50000 (japanese) and SCPH-35001 (US).

Data Format
In this doc, uint32 means: 4 bytes, A,B,C,D
value = (A) + (B<<8) + (C<<16) + (D<<24)

The file contains a basic header
4 ascii bytes 'FBJ2'
4 bytes, uint32, version
4 bytes, uint32, bitsize of file
4 bytes, uint32, baseoffset
4 bytes, uint32, num entries in the file
4 bytes, uint32, end of file position

Then follows the offset table
Each entry is 4 bytes (uint32), making up an offset.
Take this offset add this to the baseoffset from the header, this gives the absolute offset in the file.
There are 'num entries' offsets in a list.

The size of each entry can be taken from the difference between offsets, and seems to be the same for all entries in the file. So calculate difference between first and second entries, and that will give the size.

Then follows the actual data for each character
This is 4bit CLUT data.
A line of the font graphic is 13 bytes.
each byte represents two pixels, so for 0x43 pixel 1 is color 4, pixel 2 is color 3.

This means each pixel can have one of 16 values, 0x0 -> 0xf

An example of a character is given below (NOTE:this is not from the actual file, but a madeup one).
This is shown in HEX notation, as it makes it really easy to view.

The example exporter/dump program
I have included a program, which will dump out the characters from the font file to a ascii version. You can set in the code which chars to dump out, or all of them.
The ascii output is easy to view and I wanted to keep the src clean and easy to understand.

I leave it as a simple exercise for the reader to write these out as bitmaps.
Or to use the same format for similar data, and create new fonts.

Thats all folks,
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